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From theguardian.com

Should cuddling koalas be legal? Here’s why there’s a push to ban it in Queensland

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Scores of famous faces have been snapped holding koalas in Australia over the years, but the practice is falling out of favour

#harm #press #koalas #captive #habitat #selfies #wildlife #Australia #amusement #Conservation

on Wed, 5PM

From horizon3.ai

CVE-2024-29824 Deep Dive: Ivanti EPM SQL Injection Remote Code Execution Vulnerability – Horizon3.ai

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CVE-2024-29824 Ivanti EPM SQL Injection Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. This blog details the internals of a SQLi RCE vulnerability.

#cve #exploitation #sqlinjection #cybersecurity #vulnerability

on Jun 24

From wordpress.com

Prison System Exploitation: Charlene O’Banion’s Story Revealed | TheCopsChronicles.com #injustice https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClBedPq2pE29HKIzbvSIWfQ

1 1

Charlene O’Banion’s story illustrates how individuals in authority might misuse their power for personal gain A scenario not uncommon in the prison system Guards like Charlene wield con…

#injustice #exploitation #prisonsystem #storyrevealed #charleneobanion

19h ago

From thestar.com

‘Monumental’: Migrant workers at mushroom farms join union

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Representatives of United Food and Commercial Workers hope it will be an inspiration for other vulnerable workers toiling in the agri-food industry.

#ufcw #union #Canada #unions #classwar #sumitomo #abbotsford #capitalism #immigration #exploitation

20h ago