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From mementomori.social

Roni Laukkarinen (@rolle@mementomori.social)

2 2

Attached: 1 image Let it snow! ❄️ I have added snow to my instance during the winter holidays. It's a tiny JS canvas and fades out on scroll down. The snow is also respecting the system accessibility settings, it won't be there if you prefer reduced motion. Here's the source code for server...

#Mastodon #Christmas #mastoadmin #fediadminbr

on Tue, 11PM

From github.com

Let it snow! ❄️ · ronilaukkarinen/mastodon@9bf1563

2 2

Your self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community - Let it snow! ❄️ · ronilaukkarinen/mastodon@9bf1563

#snow #coding #winter #Christmas #javascript #fediadminbr #programming #Mastodon #mastoadmin

on Tue, 6PM