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From cleantechnica.com

A $7.50 Monthly Credit For EV Charging Could Buy A Dozen Eggs

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A US utility is offering a home EV charging credit of $7.50 per month to its ratepayers in Florida, or about the cost of a dozen eggs.

#evs #grid #florida #evdrivers #loadshift #evcharging #electriccars #homecharging #demandresponse #electricfleets

on Sun, 3PM

From spiegel.de

Orlando: Frau ertränkt offenbar Hund in Toilette – weil sie nicht mit ihm fliegen durfte

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Auf dem Flughafen von Orlando hat eine Hundehalterin offenbar eine grausame Tat begangen. Zuvor war sie mit ihrem Zwergschnauzer am Schalter abgewiesen worden.

#news #florida #kriminalitat #justizkriminalitat

23h ago

From thedailybeast.com

Florida Man Arrested for Driving SUV Into Crowd of Anti-Tesla Protesters

1 1

MAGA fan thought to have been angered by anti-Tesla protests has been charged with aggravated assault.

#news #florida #protests #electricvehicles

2h ago

From theguardian.com

‘The goal is to disassemble public health’: experts warn against US turn to vaccine skepticism

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As measles sickens hundreds and health secretary RFK Jr spreads dubious information, experts sound the alarm

#mmr #texas #health #usnews #florida #hospitals #uspolitics #coronavirus #donaldtrump #republicans

5h ago