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From github.com

GitHub - znscli/zns: CLI tool for querying DNS records with readable, colored output.

1 1

CLI tool for querying DNS records with readable, colored output. - znscli/zns

#linux #macos #newpkg #formula #homebrew

on Feb 21

From github.com

GitHub - houseabsolute/precious: One code quality tool to rule them all

1 1

One code quality tool to rule them all. Contribute to houseabsolute/precious development by creating an account on GitHub.

#linux #macos #newpkg #formula #homebrew

on Feb 16

From github.com

GitHub - freref/fancy-cat: PDF reader for terminal emulators using the Kitty image protocol

1 1

PDF reader for terminal emulators using the Kitty image protocol - freref/fancy-cat

#linux #macos #newpkg #formula #homebrew

on Nov 14

From projectn.com.br

F1 Manager 24 - Na pista, que vença a melhor estratégia! | Project N

1 1

Pode parecer óbvio, mas é preciso dizer. F1 Manager 2024, da Frontier Developments, é literalmente obrigatório para os fãs da categoria máxima do automobilismo, a Fórmula 1. E isso acontece porque, para além das deliciosas opções estratégicas nas corridas, jogar esse game é como ter infinitas...

#f1 #review #analise #formula #frontier #estrategia #gerenciamento #nintendoswitch #frontierdevelopment

on Sep 6

From github.com

GitHub - felangga/chiko: The ultimate beauty gRPC Client on your Terminal!

1 1

The ultimate beauty gRPC Client on your Terminal! Contribute to felangga/chiko development by creating an account on GitHub.

#linux #macos #newpkg #formula #homebrew

on Jul 15

From github.com

GitHub - houseabsolute/ubi: The Universal Binary Installer

1 2

The Universal Binary Installer. Contribute to houseabsolute/ubi development by creating an account on GitHub.

#linux #macos #newpkg #formula #homebrew

on May 29