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From rawchili.com

NAHL Team Headed to Arizona

1 1

Kevin Weekes is reporting that AZ will be getting a new team. https://x.com/KevinWeekes/status/1868764392160215393 FWIW, around the rink I've

#nhl #hockey #arizona #coyotes #glendale #icehockey #arizonacoyotes #nationalhockeyleague #nhlwesternconference #nhlwesternconferencecentraldivision

7h ago

From rawchili.com

Sean Suga O Malley Visit

1 1

I don’t know if anyone seen this already? 🤷‍♂️https://youtu.be/50twePnIG_Y?si=R5d46rtrHZ74Xe9w*my error on the title 😂

#NFL #arizona #football #glendale #cardinals #arizonacardinals #nationalfootballleague #nationalfootballconference #nationalfootballconferencewestdivision

on Sep 6