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From bleepingcomputer.com

US charges Russian-Israeli as suspected LockBit ransomware coder

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The US Department of Justice has charged a Russian-Israeli dual-national for his suspected role in developing malware and managing the infrastructure for the notorious LockBit ransomware group.

#News #infosec #lockbit #Ransomware #cybercrime #cybersecurity #BleepingComputer

on Fri, 6PM

From redpacketsecurity.com

LockBit Ransomware Group Announces New Version, LockBit 4.0 - RedPacket Security

1 1

The notorious LockBit ransomware group could be staging a comeback after a period of reduced criminal activity stemming from its takedown in February 2024.

#lockbit #Ransomware #cybercrime #threatintel

3h ago

From ciso2ciso.com

LockBit Developer Rostislav Panev Charged for Billions in Global Ransomware Damages – Source:thehackernews.com

1 1

Source: thehackernews.com - Author: . A dual Russian and Israeli national has been charged in the United States for allegedly being the developer of the now-

#lockbit #thehackernews #CyberSecurityNews #rssfeedpostgeneratorecho

13h ago

From anwangxia.com

暗网勒索软件团伙LockBit正式宣布了LockBit 4.0版本的暗网网站 - 暗网下

1 1

LockBit 4.0似乎将勒索软件即服务的流程通过暗网网站后台集成化了,同时也提升了成为其附属机构的门槛,即需要支付777美元的注册费用才能加入该团伙,然后才能使用该团伙最新版本的勒索软件。

#lockbit #勒索软件

15h ago

From cyberinsider.com

LockBit Ransomware Developer Indicted in the U.S.

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The U.S. Department of Justice unsealed a criminal complaint against R. Panev for his alleged role as a developer for LockBit ransomware.

#newz #lockbit #technews #Ransomware #cybercrime #cybersecurity

20h ago