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From github.com

GitHub - nickmat/Psion3-Wari: This game was released as freeware in 1997. The code is now made available for those interested in such things.

1 1

This game was released as freeware in 1997. The code is now made available for those interested in such things. - GitHub - nickmat/Psion3-Wari: This game was released as freeware in 1997. The code ...

#mame #16bit #ctran #psion #dosbox #epoc16 #edisasm #emulator #retrodev #topspeed

on Dec 22, 2023

From github.com

GitHub - nickmat/Psion3-Vector: This hand held CAD program was released as shareware in 1997. The code is now made available for those interested in such things.

1 1

This hand held CAD program was released as shareware in 1997. The code is now made available for those interested in such things. - GitHub - nickmat/Psion3-Vector: This hand held CAD program was re...

#mame #16bit #ctran #psion #dosbox #epoc16 #edisasm #emulator #retrodev #topspeed

on Dec 22, 2023