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From rawchili.com

Latvala says he will change his vote! Bonds should pass 4-3.

1 1

Fox 13 just reported that Latvala has announced he will change his vote after meeting with MLB Commissioner.

#st #mlb #rays #Florida #baseball #tampabay #tampabayrays #mlbamericanleague #majorleaguebaseball #mlbamericanleagueeast

19h ago

From rawchili.com

Latest On Teoscar Hernandez

1 1

Per this story he wants 'a three-year deal that’ll guarantee him $22-24MM annually.'

#mlb #ontario #toronto #baseball #bluejays #torontobluejays #mlbamericanleague #majorleaguebaseball #mlbamericanleagueeast

19h ago

From rawchili.com

Rays issue a response after stadium funding passes

1 1

Just force them to see already, Manfred. Their bluff got called and now they've got to fold.

#st #mlb #rays #Florida #baseball #tampabay #tampabayrays #mlbamericanleague #majorleaguebaseball #mlbamericanleagueeast

on Wed, 5AM

From rawchili.com

Build the perfect offseason.

1 1

The Red Sox, according to sportrac (https://www.spotrac.com/mlb/boston-red-sox/overview/_/year/2025/sort/cap_total2) will have roughly $104 million dollars to spend before the first

#mlb #RedSox #boston #baseball #bostonredsox #massachusetts #mlbamericanleague #majorleaguebaseball #mlbamericanleagueeast

on Sep 6

From rawchili.com

Got The Luffy Bobblehead

1 1

I’ve wanted this ever since I saw the promotion in March. I even started watching One Piece in

#mlb #RedSox #boston #baseball #bostonredsox #massachusetts #mlbamericanleague #majorleaguebaseball #mlbamericanleagueeast

on Sep 5

From rawchili.com

🚨 NEWS: Legendary Yankee play-by-player John Sterling, 86, is coming out of retirement to call the postseason for WFAN, The Athletic has learned.

1 1

[Marchand] 🚨 NEWS: Legendary Yankee play-by-player John Sterling, 86, is coming out of retirement to call the postseason for WFAN, The Athletic has learned. - Raw Chili

#mlb #yankee #NewYork #yankees #baseball #newyorkcity #newyorkyankees #mlbamericanleague #majorleaguebaseball #mlbamericanleagueeast

on Sep 5