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From soundcloud.com

XALISTEC - Sonidos ElectroAcusticos del Agave (S.E.D.A.)

1 1

eng below Israel Xal @xalistec Dj, promotor y técnico en sistemas de sonido, su estilo se escucha con la potencia de la música electronica y la cadencia tropical de ritmos y melodías orgánicas.

#np #sc #nctrnmfm #electronica

19h ago

From soundcloud.com

Seq08Gg Fantasy of Christmas - Fantasia di Natale

1 1

Music for everyone, music for others. A life against the current. No genre in music! It is too simplistic to give a genre to everything!! Music is an expression of human emotions and it is necessary t

#np #sc #nctrnmfm #electronica

on Wed, 3PM

From soundcloud.com


1 1

On YOUTUBE https://youtu.be/2AKErbeJr5w?si=Ejb71rjchzg5-Ehc

#np #sc #nctrnmfm #electronica

on Sep 6

From soundcloud.com

projections -A psychedelic journey

1 1

we are the one dream, expressing as all things. co-creating reality, from the singularity. inception of dream upon dreaming. Projecting holographic reality. Sacred geometry vibrating creating cymatica

#np #sc #nctrnmfm #electronica

on Sep 5