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From neos.io

Neos 9 Beta-17 Release

1 1

Today we released another Neos 9 Beta. Because it doesn’t snow here, have a special snowflake in form of a new shiny Beta ︎❇︎ Thanks to all who contributed <3. Sebastian Kurfürst Denny Lubitz Wilhelm Behncke Marc Henry Schultz Paula Kallert Bastian Waidelich Christian Müller Upgrade...

#oss #neoscms

18h ago

From neos.io

Neos 9.0 Pre-release update

1 1

We last talked about our plans for Neos 9.0 back in May shortly after the conference and we expected at that point to provide the 9.0 release in 2024. As it is December this update will give you ou...

#oss #neoscms

19h ago