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From greenleft.org.au

Victoria’s proposed anti-protest law a fundamental attack on civil liberties

1 3

Sue Bolton argues that the Victorian Premier’s announcement that “strong action” is supposedly needed “to fight hate” is a declaration of war against all supporters of free speech and the right to protest.

#sapol #nswpol #vicpol #Democracy #climatecrisis #Righttoprotest #fsckcapitalism #changethesystem #BiodiversityCrisis

on Thu, 7AM

From abc.net.au

Teal Independent Jacqui Scruby launches campaign for seat of Pittwater

1 1

Read the latest news headlines and in-depth analysis from an independent and trusted source. Check the latest news on business, sports, weather, and more.


on Sep 6

From theguardian.com

Could Dutton use the NSW Liberal chaos to pull the party to the right? - podcast

1 1

Reged Ahmad speaks to Tamsin Rose and Paul Karp about what this week’s extraordinary federal intervention of the state branch means for the party


on Sep 5