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From abc.net.au

Cheap inland houses are prompting a 'dry barren landscape change'

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A small farming town in regional WA is bucking the trend of shrinking populations. Tambellup has seen an 8 per cent increase in the past 12 months as cheap house prices lure more people to the arid countryside.

#costofliving #houseandhome #andrewchounding #regionalcommunities #populationanddemographics #urbandevelopmentandplanning

17h ago

From abc.net.au

Around 4.5 per cent of the population is LGBTQIA+, ABS estimates

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LGBTQIA+ advocates say the data can help inform government decisions about Australia's sex- and gender-diverse community.

#lgbt #sexuality #shalailahmedhora #populationanddemographics

13h ago