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From globalnews.ca

Campaign aims to stop youth from leaving province and ‘Stay with B.C.’ | Globalnews.ca

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The Business Council of British Columbia said rising costs, limited job opportunities, and strained public services are driving this trend.

#bc #youth #economy #bceconomy #bcjobmarket #publicservices #jobopportunities #bcbusinesscouncil

6h ago

From socialjusticeaustralia.com

How Neoliberalism Works in Australia?

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Explore how neoliberalism works in Australia and shapes policies, the economy, and society. Learn solutions for a fairer and ethical system.

#neoliberalism #socialjustice #publicservices #australianeconomy

7h ago

From digitalbenefits.uk

DBD Cornucopia: Card - Trust 9 (TR-9)

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Threat card 9 in the Trust suit of Digital Benefits and Disbenefits Cornucopia (DBD Cornucopia) . The focus of this card is misuse of system by valid users.

#uk #trust #egovernment #SocialSecurity #publicservices #welfarebenefits #socialprotection

17h ago