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From youtube.com

- YouTube

2 2

Bekijk je favoriete video's, luister naar de muziek die je leuk vindt, upload originele content en deel alles met vrienden, familie en anderen op YouTube.

#foodzik #nirvana #norecess #punkrock

1h ago

From blogspot.com


2 2

Blogger de Collector's Series DIY Record Label, sello y distribuidora alternativa, de difusión libre.


on Feb 16

From punkstodon.de


2 2

The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!

#punk #Peertube #Pixelfed #mastodon #punkrock #fedipunks #punkphotos #punkdotphotos

on Jan 24

From substack.com

Weekly digest #27

1 1

Featuring Raymond Pettibon, Propagandhi, Thom Yorke, The Bangles, IDLES, and more

#punk #idles #indie #music #altrock #punkrock #thomyorke #indiemusic #thebangles #propagandhi

9h ago

From neustadt-ticker.de

Punkrock in der Chemiefabrik - Neustadt-Geflüster

1 1

Am 29. März steigt unter dem Titel „Peters öffentliche Geburtstagsfatsche“ ein Punkrock-Abend in der Chemiefabrik. Mit dabei sind Bernhard Fuxxs

#kultur #aktuell #dresden #neustadt #punkrock #chemiefabrik

15h ago

From sfba.social

Punkrock History (@historyofpunkrock@sfba.social)

1 1

Attached: 1 image The Dead Boys performing at CBGB in March 1979, with Stiv Bators spraying beer on the crowd Photo by Meryl Meisler #punk #punks #punkrock #oldschoolpunk #DeadBoys #stivbators #cbgb #history #punkrockhistory

#cbgb #punk #punks #history #deadboys #punkrock #stivbators #oldschoolpunk #punkrockhistory

17h ago

From youtube.com

- YouTube

1 1

Bekijk je favoriete video's, luister naar de muziek die je leuk vindt, upload originele content en deel alles met vrienden, familie en anderen op YouTube.

#punk #punkrock #australia #garagerock #unsolicitedmusicrecommendation

on Feb 17

From zumbido.cl

The Damned en Chile: La leyenda viviente del punk llega a la Blondie - Música y Espectáculo

1 1

Texto por: Lucas Araya Los pioneros del punk inglés aterrizarán en Santiago este 13 de marzo para sacudir el subterráneo más legendario de la ciudad con formación clásica. The Damned en pleno llegan por primera vez para sacudir la toxicidad de la capital. Para entender la historia y el impacto...

#punk #chile #blondie #punkrock #thedamned #zumbidocl #conciertos #clubblondie #thedamnedenchile

on Feb 17

From youtube.com

- YouTube

1 1

Bekijk je favoriete video's, luister naar de muziek die je leuk vindt, upload originele content en deel alles met vrienden, familie en anderen op YouTube.

#music #Canada #punkrock #rockandroll

on Feb 17

From zumbido.cl

Kim Gordon en Chile: la estrella de la experimentación más allá de la juventud sónica - Música y Espectáculo

1 1

Texto por: Lucas Araya Este 27 de mayo tendremos una cita imperdible en el Teatro Caupolicán con Kim Gordon y St. Vincent en una noche que promete combinar el mundo de las melodías atonales, hermosos ruidos y formas alternativas y propias de deconstruir las cuerdas metálicas.  Es por eso que en...

#rock #chile #fauna #noise #Nirvana #jmascis #BodyHead #punkrock #StVincent #kimgordon

on Feb 17

From melmac.space

The Offspring - The Kids Aren't Alright (Official Music Video)

1 1

REMASTERED IN HD! Playlist Best of Offspring: https://goo.gl/cwFfP6 Subscribe for more: https://goo.gl/JaSm1N REMASTERED IN HD! Music video by The Offspring performing The Kids Aren't Alright. (C) 1999 Round Hill Records Manufactured and distributed by Universal Music Enterprises, a division of...

#musik #punkrock #TheOffspring #thekidsarentalright

on Feb 16

From spotify.com

European Punk

1 1

Playlist · RockDj.de · 142 items

#punk #rock #music #musik #europe #fcknzs #musiek #anarchy #european #punkrock

on Feb 16

From flyingfiddlesticks.com

Photo Gallery: Bratmobile, Punk Rock Bowling 2024, Las Vegas

1 1

Shardik Media went to Punk Rock Bowling to cover it for Ghost Cult Magazine. You can check out that article at the link given below. These photos were taken at that time and are presented here by S…

#punk #rock #hardcore #lasvegas #punkrock #livemusic #bratmobile #heavymetal #musicfestivals #punkrockbowling

on Feb 16

From substack.com

Weekly digest #23

1 1

Featuring Joy Division, Bad Nerves, Thom Yorke, Scowl, Superchunk, and more

#punk #indie #music #scowl #altrock #punkrock #badnerves #thomyorke #indiemusic #superchunk

on Feb 16

From paper.wf


1 1

(Post-)Punk/Hardcore/Rock/Metal and associates Featuring new (sometimes also live and re-released/remastered) songs/videos by: Rare Amer...

#doom #punk #rabm #rock #Metal #77punk #sludge #Screamo #punkrap #skacore

on Feb 16

From punknews.org

Bad Religion in the studio

1 1

According to an Instagram post, Bad Religion are in the studio. The post contains two images of Brett Gurewitz and Greg Graffin working on what appears to be new tracks along with the caption, “Gentlemen, start your engines!” Bad Religion’s most recent album was 2019's Age of Unreason . Che...

#punk #music #punkrock #badreligion

on Feb 16

From spotify.com

Nestojí mi

1 1

Visací Zámek · Anarchie a totál chaos · Song · 2020

#punk #rock #czech #mucic #anarchy #punkrock #czechpunk #vysacizamek #fuckpolitics #punksnotdead

on Feb 16

From schmutzki.de


1 1


#punk #Bodensee #Konstanz #punkrock #kraftklub #schmutzki #stuttgart #deutschpunk

on Feb 16