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From fxhash.xyz


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ASCIIMATA16 is a generative exploration of cellular automata in real-time that transforms a 512x512 pixel canvas into a dynamic grid of evolving ASCII characters. Users can freely navigate this grid,

#c64 #p5js #webgl #GenArt #petscii #asciiart #automata #cellular #realtime #textmode

on Sep 5

From altervista.org

"Il forno delle meraviglie", su Real Time torna Fulvio Marino alla ricerca delle migliori panetterie | Magtv

1 1

Facebook Twitter Nelle città e nei paesi d’Italia esistono luoghi dove, ogni notte, avvengono piccole…

#realtime #fulviomarino

23h ago

From askubuntu.com

Ubuntu 24 Freezes After Enabling Real-Time Kernel and NVIDIA Driver Issues

1 1

I recently installed Ubuntu 24 and enabled Ubuntu Pro using the free subscription. After that, I enabled the real-time kernel using the appropriate commands. However, after enabling the real-time k...

#kernel #nvidia #drivers #realtime

on Thu, 4PM