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From abc.net.au

Nannas on the mend aim to prolong the life of clothes through free sewing lessons

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While Australia overtakes the US as the largest per capita consumer of textiles, a group of nannas in the South West of WA is having a darn good go at fixing fashion waste through thrifty sewing sessions.

#women #fashion #consumers #ethanfrench #environmentalimpact #regionalcommunities #communityorganisations #recyclingandwastemanagement

8h ago

From abc.net.au

Fitting farewell to 'Space Gandalf' who brought astronomy to the people

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Broome locals and visitors paid tribute to astronomer and tour guide Greg Quicke, affectionately known as 'Space Gandalf', performing a "paddle out" at Cable Beach after his passing in June. 

#stars #myakordic #Deathanddying #humaninterest #astronomyspace #regionalcommunities

on Sat, 6AM