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From nameandshame.com

Harry Lazarides of IronFx and Banc de Binary - Name and Shame

1 1

We are investigating Harry Lazarides of IronFx and Banc de Binary for allegedly attempting to conceal critical reviews and adverse news from Google by improperly submitting copyright takedown notices. This includes potential violations such as impersonation, fraud, and perjury.

#perjury #dmcaabuse #fraudalert #financialfraud #reputationdamage

on Wed, 11AM

From nameandshame.com

Cerebrum IQ - Name and Shame

1 1

We are investigating Cerebrum IQ for allegedly attempting to conceal critical reviews and adverse news from Google by improperly submitting copyright takedown notices. This includes potential violations such as impersonation, fraud, and perjury.

#dmcaabuse #censorship #fraudalert #businessscam #reputationdamage

on Wed, 11AM

From nameandshame.com

FusionLots - Name and Shame

1 1

We are investigating FusionLots for allegedly attempting to conceal critical reviews and adverse news from Google by improperly submitting copyright takedown notices. This includes potential violations such as impersonation, fraud, and perjury.

#dmcaabuse #censorship #fraudalert #financialfraud #reputationdamage

on Wed, 11AM

From nameandshame.com

Shock-Gard CEO Matthew Bullock - Name and Shame

1 1

We are investigating Shock-Gard CEO Matthew Bullock for allegedly attempting to conceal critical reviews and adverse news from Google by improperly submitting copyright takedown notices. This includes potential violations such as impersonation, fraud, and perjury.

#dmcaabuse #censorship #fraudalert #corporateethics #reputationdamage

on Wed, 11AM

From nameandshame.com

Michel Moeijes - Name and Shame

1 1

We are investigating Michel Moeijes for allegedly attempting to conceal critical reviews and adverse news from Google by improperly submitting copyright takedown notices. This includes potential violations such as impersonation, fraud, and perjury.

#dmcaabuse #censorship #fraudalert #reputationdamage #bankruptcymismanagement

on Wed, 11AM

From nameandshame.com

Poovandaren Chetty - Name and Shame

1 1

We are investigating Poovandaren Chetty for allegedly attempting to conceal critical reviews and adverse news from Google by improperly submitting copyright takedown notices. This includes potential violations such as impersonation, fraud, and perjury.

#dmcaabuse #censorship #corruption #fraudalert #reputationdamage

on Wed, 11AM

From nameandshame.com

Raimbek Matraimov - Name and Shame

1 1

We are investigating Raimbek Matraimov for allegedly attempting to conceal critical reviews and adverse news from Google by improperly submitting copyright takedown notices. This includes potential violations such as impersonation, fraud, and perjury.

#dmcaabuse #censorship #corruption #fraudalert #reputationdamage

on Wed, 11AM

From nameandshame.com

Any.Cash - Name and Shame

1 1

We are investigating Any.Cash for allegedly attempting to conceal critical reviews and adverse news from Google by improperly submitting copyright takedown notices. This includes potential violations such as impersonation, fraud, and perjury.

#dmcaabuse #censorship #fraudalert #cryptofraud #reputationdamage

on Wed, 11AM

From nameandshame.com

Jana Seaman - Name and Shame

1 1

We are investigating Jana Seaman for allegedly attempting to conceal critical reviews and adverse news from Google by improperly submitting copyright takedown notices. This includes potential violations such as impersonation, fraud, and perjury.

#dmcaabuse #censorship #fraudalert #PonziScheme #reputationdamage

on Wed, 11AM

From nameandshame.com

Aman Natt - Name and Shame

1 1

We are investigating Aman Natt for allegedly attempting to conceal critical reviews and adverse news from Google by improperly submitting copyright takedown notices. This includes potential violations such as impersonation, fraud, and perjury.

#dmcaabuse #censorship #fraudalert #moneylaundering #reputationdamage

on Wed, 11AM

From nameandshame.com

Nguyen Quoc Anh - Name and Shame

1 1

We are investigating Nguyen Quoc Anh for allegedly attempting to conceal critical reviews and adverse news from Google by improperly submitting copyright takedown notices. This includes potential violations such as impersonation, fraud, and perjury.

#dmcaabuse #censorship #fraudalert #healthcarefraud #reputationdamage

on Wed, 10AM