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From abc.net.au

RBA watching US economy as Macquarie warns of potential share crash

1 1

The Reserve Bank's chief economist says current economic uncertainty, especially around US tariffs, makes forecasting and rate setting more difficult, as Macquarie Bank warns Donald Trump's economic policies run the risk of sparking a stock market crash.

#inflation #davidtaylor #stockmarket #interestrates #reservebankofaustralia

14h ago

From abc.net.au

Households banking on rate cuts as RBA holds first meeting of year

1 1

Millions of households are hoping financial relief is closer than ever as the RBA meets for the first time this year, where it is widely expected to cut interest rates.

#mortgages #davidtaylor #costofliving #interestrates #monetarypolicy #reservebankofaustralia

on Feb 16