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From mastodon.ml

Дурдомова :mastodont: (@sarasapfir@mastodon.ml)

2 2

Тем временем, 67% жителей Кубы 🇨🇺 проголосовали на референдуме за новый Семейный кодекс, который признает однополые браки, разрешает однополым парам усыновление и легализует бесплатное суррогатное материнство 🔥🔥🔥

#cuba #familylaw #surrogacy #samesexmarriage

19h ago

From queerty.com

Lawmaker shares happy wedding pics with that "younger boyfriend" people once tried criticizing him for - Queerty

1 1

Luke Pollard and his Sydney Robertson have received online hate over their age difference.  Luke Pollard and his Sydney Robertson have received online hate over their age difference. 

#uk #men #pics #happy #lgbtq #marry #women #illegal #lgbtqia #wedding

on Sep 5