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From queersatanic.com

The Free Society Satanists joins Global Order of Satan as "GOS:Resurgens"

1 1

The Free Society of Satanists is the third local group to join the Europe-centered Satanic organization "Global Order of Satan," which was founded in June 2018 as one of many splinter factions breaking away from The Satanic Temple in that year.

#satanic #satanism #satanists #gosresurgens #lefthandpath #AnarchoSatanism #globalorderofsatan #freesocietyofsatanists

23h ago

From youtube.com

Satanic Temple minister speaks on Iowa religious chaplain bill

1 1

"Hail Satan, Hail Iowa..."This week, a bill advanced out of a House subcommittee to allow Iowa school districts to hire religious chaplains.Satanic Temple Mi...

#atheism #satanism #hailsatan

on Feb 3