TERMS & CONDITIONS (a fiction) — Parenthetical Recluse
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:: ring/ring :: who once knew someone you once knew once upon a somewhen going on and on and with requisite demonstrative gesticulation from across the condiments and dressings aisle about how they wished that they had had just ten more minutes with their dad or with their cat or with what/whoever i
on Sep 5
From beneath-ceaseless-skies.com
Beneath Ceaseless Skies - Issue #415 by Scott Andrews
1 1
From Each One, the Strength-of-All by Timothy Mudie. Joy, or A Humble Orbit Through the Celestial City by Will McMahon.
#sff #litmag #fantasy #shortstory
on Sep 5
From smallwondersmag.com
All My Mother Is - Small Wonders
1 1
My mother thinks she’s a mermaid. Her doctor says not to worry. "Delusions aren’t uncommon."
#am #fantasy #dementia #shortstory #shortstories #WritingCommunity #amreadingfantasy #amreadingfiction #authorsofmastodon #writersofmastodon
on Jul 24