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From torrentfreak.com

Sky's Enhanced High Court Pirate IPTV Blocking Order Closes Loopholes * TorrentFreak

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Sky has won a significantly enhanced IPTV blocking order at the High Court in London. Sixteen pirate suppliers will soon become guinea pigs.

#ee #sky #anti #iptv #virgin #plusnet #blocking #talktalk #highcourt #btbroadband

17h ago

From astrocamp.eu

Messier 42 – Orion Nebula – Astrophotography and Astronomy

1 1

The Orion Nebula is a bright diffuse nebula located in the constellation Orion, approximately 1,344 light-years away from Earth, and reaches its annual culminat

#sky #space #nature #Astrodon #clearsky #nightsky #astronomy #telescope #astrophoto #photography

15h ago