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From theguardian.com

Trump planning to target progressive non-profits, US watchdog warns

5 16

Congressional Integrity Project creates initiative to counter growing ‘authoritarianism’ and defend progressives

#nonazis #stopfascism #SaveDemocracy #trumpsamerika #gopfourthreich #stopauthoritarinism

10h ago

From msnbc.com

Trump and Musk reject bipartisan spending deal ahead of shutdown deadline

3 3

A bipartisan agreement to prevent a government shutdown was in place. Then Elon Musk and Donald Trump intervened, blew up the deal, and invited a shutdown.

#nonazis #wealthtax #TaxTheRich #deportmusk #stopfascism #SaveDemocracy #trumpsamerika #gopfourthreich #nobillionaires #moneyoutofpolitics

3h ago

From emptywheel.net

Trump Is Not on a "Retribution Tour;" He's on an Authoritarian Spree - emptywheel

2 7

To accept Trump's framing that he's on a "retribution" tour, you would have to accept that speaking the truth is some kind of crime.

#nonazis #stopfascism #SaveDemocracy #trumpsamerika #gopfourthreich

on Wed, 1PM