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From wordpress.com

Kalākaua in Scotland

2 2

At 7.45am on Wednesday 7 September 1881, the King of Hawaiʻi stepped off a train at St Enoch Station, eight months into a journey round the world to save his kingdom. King Kalākaua with two of his …

#sugar #hawaii #kalakaua #freemasonry

on Sep 5

From wordpress.com

An Occasional Treat Could Be Better For Your Heart Than No Added Sugar at All : ScienceAlert…

1 1

It’s probably not surprising that a new study has linked added sugar consumption to an increased risk of heart disease, but a less expected discovery is that those who have an occasional swee…

#sugar #heartdisease #cardiovascularhealth

23h ago

From wordpress.com

Storied Landscapes (4): The Killing of the Cannibal King

1 1

1. Birthing Stones & Cannibal Stones Atop the gently rising plateau between the Ko‘olau and Wai‘anae Mountains, near the town of Wahiawā, is the geographical center of O‘ahu. Four streams – Opa…

#sugar #hawaii #kalakaua #freemasonry

on Sep 6

From thefounderstrail.co.uk

The Sons of the Sandwich Islands

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In October of 1884 a small article appeared in the Scottish Umpire proclaiming the Rangers had two relatives of the King of the Sandwich Islands playing for them. Wait, what was that? Rangers had royalty playing for the team in the 1880’s? Who were these guys and why was this not a well-known...

#sugar #hawaii #kalakaua #freemasonry

on Sep 6

From loc.gov

Have Crown, Will Travel: The Circumnavigation of King Kalākaua | Worlds Revealed

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This post walks you through the 285-day trip of Hawaii King Kalākaua as the first monarch to circumnavigate the globe in 1881, showing many of the routes and places he traveled or visited through maps and images at or near the time period.

#sugar #hawaii #kalakaua #freemasonry

on Aug 31