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From melmac.space

The Offspring - The Kids Aren't Alright (Official Music Video)

1 1

REMASTERED IN HD! Playlist Best of Offspring: https://goo.gl/cwFfP6 Subscribe for more: https://goo.gl/JaSm1N REMASTERED IN HD! Music video by The Offspring performing The Kids Aren't Alright. (C) 1999 Round Hill Records Manufactured and distributed by Universal Music Enterprises, a division of...

#musik #punkrock #TheOffspring #thekidsarentalright

on Feb 16

From daletra.art

The Kids Aren't Alright - The Offspring

1 1

When we were young, the future was so bright (whoa). The old neighborhood was so alive (whoa). And every kid on the whole damn street (whoa).

#TheOffspring #thekidsarentalright

on Nov 21