Gracie Abrams voor het eerst in top 3 Single Top 100
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De Amerikaanse zangeres Gracie Abrams staat voor het eerst in de top 3 van de Nederlandse Single Top 100. Het nummer That's So True stijgt deze week van de achtste naar de derde plaats, meldt samensteller GfK.
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4h ago
Full of Themselves: An analysis of title drops in movies
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A title drop is when a character in a movie says the title of the movie they're in. Here's a large-scale analysis of 73,921 movies from the last 80 years on how often, when and maybe even why that happens.
#url #top3 #share #top10 #cinema #roulette #titledrop #websitetips #filmanalysis #rouletteonline
9h ago
From - Pass a URL to the next visitor!
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Submit URL for the next visitor. Submit to be redirected to the previous visitor's URL!
#url #top3 #share #top10 #roulette #websitetips #rouletteonline
on May 23