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From tourismcurrents.com

Do you need to be on Bluesky? - Tourism Currents®

1 1

Yes, it's exhausting, but Bluesky is having a moment and you need to decide if that matters to your audience, and to tourism marketing.

#bluesky #tourism #turismo #tourisme #marketing #socialtown #SocialMedia #marketingdigital

on Nov 20

From politico.eu

L’exception Metsola : la présidente du Parlement européen et son mari lobbyiste

1 2

Les nouvelles règles de l’hémicycle sur les conflits d’intérêts ne s’appliquent pas à sa plus puissante membre.

#co2 #lobbying #tourisme #emissions #parlement #corruption #croisieres #transition #transports #taxecarbone

on Sep 4

From tourismcurrents.com

Will Threads replace Twitter? - Tourism Currents®

1 1

Will one niche text-focused platform replace another niche platform? Will Threads replace Twitter? I think it's the best candidate, yes.

#tourism #turismo #tourisme #marketing #socialtown #SocialMedia

on Mar 19