2 6
Someone vandalised our building and we made a font out of it. Download it and donate towards local initiatives that will improve the art in East London.
#freefont #dudelondon #typography #revengefont
on Wed, 12AM
Observer, comprendre et utiliser la typographie
1 1
Cet ouvrage a pour ambition de rendre chacun de ses lecteurs, qu’il soit amateur ou professionnel, étudiant ou aguerri, en mesure d’observer, comprendre et utiliser la typographie avec précision. Il présente les origines de l’écriture et ce qui a permis à la typographie de se développer, il...
11h ago
Anttane Regular | Font Free Downloads
1 1
Anttane Regular Font Free download. Click now to create a custom image with your own words from Anttane Regular font.
#art #otf #ttf #type #fonts #design #creative #typeface #lettering #wallpaper
15h ago
Lady Topham Catt (
1 1
Going back in time to have a little chat with the Trib about this font on their Looking Backward section
on Mon, 5AM
le sillon fictionnel | Publi Fluor - Affaires de Lettres à Bruxelles
1 1
Le Sillon Fictionnel - Un espace dédié à la passion de la lecture et la culture au sein d’un club un peu atypique. Critiques - livre, art et culture.
#art #brussel #culture #bruxelles #publifluor #typography #typographie
on Feb 16
Moeflon Italic | Font Free Downloads
1 1
Moeflon Italic Font Free download. Click now to create a custom image with your own words from Moeflon Italic font.
#art #otf #ttf #type #fonts #design #creative #typeface #lettering #wallpaper
on Feb 16
How Magnetic Fonts Twisted Up Numbers And Saved Banking Forever
1 7
If you’ve ever looked at the bottom of a bank check, you probably glanced over some strangely formed numbers? If you’re a fan of science fiction or retro computers, you’ve probabl…
#banking #echnics #history #typography
on Feb 10
Mistyca Ambrella | Font Free Downloads
1 1
Mistyca Ambrella Font Free download. Click now to create a custom image with your own words from Mistyca Ambrella font.
#art #otf #ttf #type #fonts #design #creative #typeface #lettering #wallpaper
on Feb 1
The Arresting Typography of the Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
1 1
Several years ago, Brandon Silverman become obsessed with the lettering and typography on the fire insurance maps published by t
on Dec 9
1 1
All publications by La Police: Footnotes, the periodical bulletin of applied research in type design, and type specimens.
#type #Design #research #typography
on Jun 29