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From unseen-japan.com

As Japan Temps Rise, Are The Trains Too Damn Hot? - Unseen Japan

2 2

Japan's train companies keep some of their cars hotter than others. As climate change advances, more people ask: is that necessary?

#trains #culture #ujwebsite #ofinterest #unseenjapan #Japan

on Sep 6

From unseen-japan.com

Yakult 1000: Health Benefits of Japan's Popular Drink? - Unseen Japan

1 1

A venerable Japanese company's latest product, Yakult 1000, reputedly packs a punch. But will it really improve your health?

#Japan #Health #ujwebsite #unseenjapan

on Sep 6

From unseen-japan.com

Satsuma Rebellion: The Last Gasp of the Samurai - Unseen Japan

1 1

How Saigo Takamori led 30,000 samurai in the Satsuma Rebellion - a final, doomed mission against the modern government he helped create.

#Japan #history #ujwebsite #unseenjapan

on Sep 5