Upcycling turns trash into haute couture – DW – 02/15/2025
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Swiss designer Kevin Germanier combines haute couture with sustainability. To find inspiration for his creations, he looks to scraps and material destined for the dumpster.
#runway #reuse #fashion #upcycling #hautecouture #circulardesign #kevingermanier #circulareconomy
on Feb 16
Plastikbecher upcyceln: So machst du aus ihnen Blumentöpfe
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Lebensmittelverpackungen nachhaltig weiterverwenden: DIY-Blumentöpfe aus Plastikbechern
#kreativ #haushalt #upcycling #geldsparen #kunststoff #bastelideen #mehrwegglas #balkongartner #konservenglas #pflanzenliebe
on Jul 5