Executive Orders: Week Notes #31 — Tom Darlington
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I’ve become slightly obsessed and preoccupied with Executive Orders. Donald Trump, on returning to office to serve his second term as US president has issued over 20 of the things, almost immediately. Some, whilst morally dubious are entirely logical and coherent with what we know about the man’s po
#media #strategy #weeknotes #communications
11h ago
Week 211: I killed David Lynch
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I woke up on Monday to the radio telling me that the gullible rubes running this very unserious country have announced that AI is to be “mainlined into the veins” of the nation, a policy based entirely on the latest eructation from the Tony Blair Institute. I didn’t know that the TBI had any...
on Tue, 10AM
weeknotes #42: taking time for things
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Generally, things take time. I was feeling negative about not getting started with new creative ideas, but realised I should give myself time to process recent happenings.
#blogging #weeknotes #newblogpost
on Sep 6