The Magic Spell Hypothesis of Legalese - News, Paganism, Science, Witchcraft, World
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Witchcraft & Pagan News - The complex language of "legalese" in legal documents projects a sense of authority, a style that even non-lawyers have adopted and use effectively. We think Witches might be able to help. | News, Paganism, Science, Witchcraft, World
#mit #pagan #science #legalese #witchcraft #linguistics #magicspells #legallanguage
15h ago
Tales from the Broomstick: Papa's Stories
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In the first episode I retell some of the stories my beloved grandfather told me when I was a kid.
21h ago
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Witchcraft & Pagan News - In this week's Pagan Community Notes, Everglades Moon Local Council opposes attacks on bodily autonomy, Pagan Pride events including Twin Cities this weekend, Disney pauses Gaiman adaptation amid sexual assault allegations, more news and events | News, Pagan Community...
#pagan #tarot #wicca #neilgaiman #witchcraft #bodyautonomy #paganprideday
on Sep 6