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From comicbookdispatch.com

Deadpool #9 Review Deadpool #9 Review

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#Deadpool #EllieCamacho #Princess #ValentineVuong #symbiote #MODOK #mcu #Marvel #marvelcomics #comicbooks #comics #news #art #info #NCBD #comicbooknews #previews #reviews #amazon

#art #mcu #News #info #ncbd #xmen #comics #marvel #Previews #deadpool

20h ago

From leagueofcomicgeeks.com

X-Men #3 Review (★★★★) by DDornelles

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Levou 3 edições, mas MacKay finalmente mostrou serviço. Era esse tipo de controle narrativo que eu esperava dele nos X-Men depois de acompanhar seu trabalho em Moon Knight e Dr. Strange.Em uma edição relativamente parada, muita coisa acontece/é...

#xmen #fromtheashes #marvelcomics

on Sep 5

From gamerstemple.com

Stern Pinball reveals The Uncanny X-Men

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Stern Pinball today announced that its next pinball game will be The Uncanny X-Men, which will be available in three editions.

#xmen #games #pinball

on Sep 4