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From 972mag.com

‘We’d rather die than enlist’: Haredi Jews vow to defy conscription

1 3

An Israeli High Court ruling has overturned a decades-old military exemption for ultra-Orthodox Jews, causing protests to erupt.

#haredi #palestine

on Tue, 10PM

From 972mag.com

‘More horrific than Abu Ghraib’: Lawyer recounts visit to Israeli detention center

1 20

At Sde Teiman, Khaled Mahajneh found a detained journalist unrecognizable as he described the facility’s violent and inhumane conditions.

on Mon, 11PM

From 972mag.com

‘Lavender’: The AI machine directing Israel’s bombing spree in Gaza

1 2

The Israeli army has marked tens of thousands of Gazans as suspects for assassination, using an AI targeting system with little human oversight and a permissive policy for casualties, +972 and Local Call reveal.

#ia #lavander #cease_fire_now

on Apr 17

From 972mag.com

‘Film was the best way to convey our art amid the suffering in Gaza’

0 2

Shunned by the Cannes Festival, director Rashid Masharawi organized a protest screening of short films made by Gazans during the war.

on Tue, 9PM

From 972mag.com

Can this conference inspire a new Israeli-Palestinian peace movement?

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For Maoz Inon and Aziz Abu Sarah, reviving a joint peace effort that learns from past obstacles is ‘the biggest antidote to extremism.’

on Sat, 4PM

From 972mag.com

Tracing attacks on Gaza’s press buildings

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The Israeli army struck major media institutions in Gaza despite assurances of safety, and appears to have deliberately targeted cameras that were broadcasting the military offensive, a new investigation shows.

on Jun 26

From 972mag.com

A settler shot my husband. Then Israel bulldozed my family home

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Zakariyah has suffered immensely, yet his attacker roams free, and and demolitions continue to devastate our communities in Masafer Yatta.

on Jun 26

From 972mag.com

Children starving, parents helpless as famine consumes northern Gaza

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With aid blocked and stores empty of basic goods, dozens of Palestinian children have been hospitalized with malnutrition and acute anemia.

on Jun 26

From 972mag.com

How Israeli drone strikes are killing journalists in Gaza

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Survivor testimonies and audiovisual analysis reveal a pattern of strikes by Israeli UAVs on Palestinian journalists in recent months.

on Jun 25

From 972mag.com

As Netanyahu abandons hostages, Hamas may seek to extend war

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The rift between the Israeli government and the army — along with the prospect of war in Lebanon — could push Hamas to continue fighting.

on Jun 25

From 972mag.com

‘How is it reasonable to kill over 200 for the sake of four?’

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Relentless bombing, hospitals overflowing, soldiers in aid trucks: survivors recount massacre in Nuseirat during Israel’s hostage rescue.

on Jun 25

From 972mag.com

What Gantz’s exit reveals about Israel’s failed Gaza strategy

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October 7 collapsed Israel’s ‘separation policy' toward Gaza. Gantz and Gallant know it; Netanyahu and the far right still won’t admit it.

on Jun 24

From 972mag.com

The untold story of Jewish anti-Zionists in Israel - +972 Magazine

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For nearly as long as Palestinians have resisted their displacement, small groups of Jews have joined them. Ran Greenstein’s ‘Zionism and Its Discontents’ brings to life the complex, often contradictory story of those Israelis who saw Palestinian and Jewish liberation as...

on Jun 22

From 972mag.com

'Burn Shu’afat’, ‘flatten Gaza’: masses join Jerusalem Flag March

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Israeli ministers joined the celebration of East Jerusalem’s conquest, where racist slogans and attacks on journalists have become mainstream

on Jun 9

From 972mag.com

Facing war and incitement, is there any hope left for Palestinians in the Knesset?

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The Gaza war has revived a debate among Palestinian citizens of Israel about whether to participate in or boycott the parliament.

on Jun 9

From 972mag.com

‘We're all at risk of being targeted’: Doctors evacuate Rafah's last hospitals

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Almost no facilities remain to treat the wounded in Gaza's southernmost city, as doctors fear a repeat of Israel's attacks on hospitals across the Strip.

on Jun 5

From 972mag.com

A Gaza journalist’s agonizing search for safety

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From Gaza City to Rafah, Marah Mahdi has been displaced 11 times since October. Yet surviving each Israeli attack brings little solace.

on Jun 4

From 972mag.com

'The system learns to recognize you': Amnesty calls out automated apartheid

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Following major report, Amnesty adviser Matt Mahmoudi explains how facial recognition technology is bolstering Israel's control over Palestinians.

on Jun 3

From 972mag.com

Abandoned by Israeli state, Palestinian citizens face crime wave

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Shootings, car bombs, and drone attacks: violence in Arab towns has reached historic levels amid a proliferation of weapons since Oct. 7.

on May 30

From 972mag.com

‘The smell of death and blood wafts throughout Jabalia camp’

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In Gaza’s starving north, Palestinians have to decide whether to leave the wounded to die or risk their lives trying to save them.

on May 29

From 972mag.com

Become a member of +972 Magazine - +972 Magazine

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on May 29

From 972mag.com

Palestinian groups present 'war crimes' evidence to the ICC - +972 Magazine

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The International Criminal Court prosecutor is conducting a ‘preliminary examination’ into the 2014 Gaza war. But are Israeli officials at higher risk of prosecution for illegally building settlements in the West Bank? Four Palestinian human rights organizations submitted research,...

on May 28

From 972mag.com

Contact us - +972 Magazine

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To submit opeds, photographs, or videos for publication, write to us at oped@972mag.com To pitch reported articles, write to us at editor@972mag.com. For any other inquiries, please fill out the form below:

on May 28

From 972mag.com

Surveillance and interference: Israel’s covert war on the ICC exposed

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Top Israeli officials have overseen a nine-year operation targeting the ICC and Palestinian rights groups to thwart a war crimes probe.

on May 28

From 972mag.com

Can Palestinians imagine a future with Israelis after this war?

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My grandfather remembers neighborly relations with Jews before 1948. For Palestinians today, such a prospect seems nearly impossible.

on May 27

From 972mag.com

Supreme Court: 'Fascist' Im Tirzu case had no standing - +972 Magazine

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Supreme Court rules that the right-wing ‘Im Tirzu’ movement had no basis to sue a group of Facebook activists who labeled it ‘fascist.’ By Oren Persico “It pains me to say so, but this suit contradicts this court’s fundamentals regarding the scope of freedom of...

on May 27

From 972mag.com

‘The international legal order needs repair — and Gaza is a part of this’

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Al Mezan director Issam Younis explains the obstacles and opportunities for Palestinians following interventions from the world’s top courts.

on May 24

From 972mag.com

In memory of an Israeli lawyer who never lost her moral purpose

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Although she became a lawyer late in life, Tamar Pelleg-Sryck tirelessly defended Palestinian detainees in a profoundly unjust system.

on May 22

From 972mag.com

Cementing its military footprint, Israel transforms Gaza’s geography

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As Israel expands a buffer zone and erects army bases in the Strip, Palestinians fear the permanent loss of their homes and land.

on May 21

From 972mag.com

How Israel twists antisemitism claims to project its own crimes onto Palestinians

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What Israel and its supporters accuse Palestinians of inciting, Israeli officials are openly declaring, and the Israeli army is prosecuting.

on May 21

From 972mag.com

Israeli military censor bans highest number of articles in over a decade

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The sharp rise in media censorship in 2023 comes as the government further undermines press freedoms, especially amid the Gaza war.

on May 20

From 972mag.com

‘You could be looking at the last surviving works by Gaza’s artists’

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An exhibition in the West Bank attempts both to capture and counteract the erasure of Palestinian life and culture in Gaza, even as its artists are killed.

on May 16

From 972mag.com

How do we tell the story of the Nakba when the plot hasn’t ended?

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Elias Khoury’s book encapsulates the symbiotic relationship between literature and the Nakba, exploring its nature as a continuum of calamities.

on May 15

From 972mag.com

The writing was on the wall for Israel’s torture of prisoners

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The government has ensured horrific practices in sites like Sde Teiman can continue with impunity, in violation of international law and medical ethics.

on May 14

From 972mag.com

Nakba commemorated in shadow of Gaza war

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Thousands of Palestinian citizens of Israel joined the annual March of Return, with many making connections to the violent displacement in Gaza.

on May 14

From 972mag.com

Israel razes entire Bedouin village to expand a highway

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The demolition of Wadi al-Khalil, an unrecognized village in the Naqab, left over 300 citizens homeless despite their attempts to reach a compromise.

on May 10

From 972mag.com

‘The scenes of the Nakba are repeating’: Rafah in panic as Israeli invasion begins

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With Israeli forces entering Rafah, Palestinians describe their hardships and fears in the Gaza Strip’s last vanishing refuge.

on May 8

From 972mag.com

Israel's fascist sideshow takes center stage - +972 Magazine

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For the first time in over 30 years, a proper Kahanist party could be entering the Knesset. But is the rise of a party that advocates for Jewish supremacy, theocracy, and 'total war' as much of a surprise than the outcry has suggested?

on May 8

From 972mag.com

We’ve shown Gaza’s suffering for over 200 days. Don’t look away now

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Palestinians have been the sole journalists persistently reporting from the ground in Gaza. Yet it feels that the world is losing interest in our stories.

on May 3

From 972mag.com

A Gaza team went to repair a telecoms machine. An Israeli tank fired at them

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Contrary to the army’s account, an investigation shows a Paltel crew coordinated every step along an approved route before soldiers attacked.

on May 1

From 972mag.com

Inside NYU’s generation-defining protests for Palestine

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College administrations have put themselves on the wrong side of history by cracking down on the groundswell of student activism.

on Apr 30

From 972mag.com

The orchestrated persecution of Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian

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A campaign by Israeli academia, police, and media to silence the professor shows Palestinians they have no safe place in Zionist institutions.

on Apr 30

From 972mag.com

Israeli media’s inevitable hysteria over U.S. campus protests

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The media’s unbending self-censorship in covering Gaza has made Israelis incapable of seeing foreign criticism as anything other than antisemitism.

on Apr 29

From 972mag.com

Settler violence: It comes with the territory - +972 Magazine

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Unlike any other aspect of the occupation, settler violence is something nobody outside the radical fringe in Israel will defend. This, alone, they’ll denounce. And yet, nobody — in Israel or internationally — has found the political will to put a stop to the decades-long phenomenon,...

on Apr 28

From 972mag.com

Campus protests for Gaza are proliferating — and so is the repression

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With calls for divestment spreading this past week, students share how dozens of U.S. colleges are cracking down on pro-Palestine demonstrations.

on Apr 26

From 972mag.com

From the river to the sea, Israel is waging the same war

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The Gaza assault cannot be understood separately from Israel’s divide-and-conquer strategy against Palestinians in Jenin, Jerusalem, and Nazareth.

on Apr 26

From 972mag.com

Why human agency is still central to Israel’s AI-powered warfare

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Following +972’s 'Lavender' exposé, international law and AI experts explain how Israel's top brass and global tech firms are implicated in the slaughter.

on Apr 25

From 972mag.com

The Zionist educator we should have listened to - +972 Magazine

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At a time when Israel’s education minister sees only Jews as moral, it is worth remembering a prominent Zionist educator who taught us that things could have turned out differently. By Gil Gertel This past week marked “Land Day,” in which we commemorate and decry the...

on Apr 25

From 972mag.com

Remembering Walid Daqqa, a prisoner with a ‘heretical belief in life’

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Walid and I shared a political, personal, and philosophical correspondence for two decades. Even in death, he accompanies me on the path of truth.

on Apr 24

From 972mag.com

Armenian Jerusalemites fight to keep their musical legacy alive

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From Palestinian rock to modern folk, generations of Armenian musicians have thrived in Jerusalem. But Israeli attacks threaten the community’s future.

on Apr 24