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A Study of Soviet Propaganda
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13h ago
Renato Vaccaro Mutze | Independent Scholar -
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Renato Vaccaro Mutze, Independent Scholar: 9 Followers, 4 Following, 4 Research papers. Research interests: Smart Cities and Interoperability.
17h ago
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21h ago
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IN THE PATH OF GEORGIAN ARCHAEOLOGY, by Gela Gamkrelidze. 2009. The book contains the history of the development of archeology in Georgia (country in Caucasus). The book (in English) contains color illustrations of archaeological material. In
on Sep 6
Open social innovation, a new intellectual framework to facilitate the sharing of social practices
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In this article I describe Open social innovation, a new intellectual framework to facilitate the sharing of social practices. Although the concept described here has been proposed by a network of french social innovators, there are many many groups
on Tue, 12PM
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I call Heidegger’s Denken des durchgekreuzten Seyns (the thinking of crossed-out Being) apophatic ontology, which Heidegger himself develops as the topology of crossed-out Being (Topologie des durchgekreuzten Seyns). In this article, I will show how
on Mon, 12PM
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Je nomme « ontologie apophatique » das Denken des durchgekreuzten Seyns (le penser de l'être barré) de Heidegger qui le développe lui-même comme topologie de l'être barré (Topologie des durchgekreuzten Seyns). Dans le présent article, je
on Mon, 11AM
A cryptanalytic decipherment of the Indus Script
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Indus inscriptions hold the key to unlocking the history of pre-Iron Age India and all Indo-European peoples but remain undeciphered for over a century. All prior attempts have been partial, unsatisfactory and unfalsifiable. We decipher the Indus
on Wed, 2PM
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Y-chromosomal Adam “The former-Adam is estimated to have lived around 202,000 years ago, the revised one is thought to be about 338,000 years old.” “In human genetics, the Y-chromosomal Adam (more technically known as the Y-chromosomal most recent
on Jan 14
Britain's inhumane benefits system is giving people PTSD
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If you want to screw up someone’s mental health, there is a basic four-part formula. First, you deprive the person of the means to feel safe. Second, you lower their status in relation to other people. Third, you make them feel that the reasons for
on Jan 14
Evoluzione delle collaborazioni militari tra Italia-UE e Israele
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C’è un po' di Italia tra i sanguinari protagonisti della campagna di sterminio della popolazione palestinese della Striscia di Gaza avviata dal regime di Benjamin Netanyahu & C.. E’ l’Italia del complesso militare-industriale, finanziario,
on Jan 12
Capitalismo preditivo e os sistemas algorítmicos 1
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Quais discursos estão sendo produzidos sobre o mundo mediado e efetuado por algoritmos? Seus efeitos expostos ou almejados possuem objetivos e finalidades performativas, formatadoras e moduladoras de ações sociais, processos políticos e instituições?
on Jan 11
Unbehaun, Pascal - An Introduction to the Process Theory of Causation (2024)
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This text is an unpublished Introduction into the process theory of causation – not causation in general. However, not much knowledge of causation theories is a prerequisite. Instead of a rough overview as one would get in a “handbook” of causation
on Jan 11
Des centrales nucléaires et des vignes FC version janv 2024
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Petite contribution reprenant la problématique des milieux en interaction à propos des centrales nucléaires et des vignes, dans le cadre d'un ouvrage collectif autour des oeuvres d'Elise Alloin consacrées au territoire de Fessenheim suite à
on Jan 9
A Note on the Unidentified Animal in the Marisa (Maresha) Tomb Frieze
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Jacobson (op. cit. [n. 1], p. 34) also classifies this creature as an "unidentified animal", but its single horn clearly points to it being an Indian as opposed to an African rhinoceros (depicted in the frieze with two horns standing behind
on Jan 7
Debunkings De Dicto and De Re: Brandom on Genealogical Explanation
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One of the most surprisingly prominent themes in Robert Brandom's A Spirit of Trust is the role of genealogical explanations. Brandom sees genealogies or 'debunking arguments' as significant because of their ability to deprive our
on Jan 6
Parching for Principle: Hotel Boycotts in Regional Australia, 1901-1920
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This article serves as the first in-depth study of the nature, dynamics and growth of a set of consumer boycotts in early twentieth-century Australia. Labelled “beer strikes,” these targeted hotels over issues such as the price and quality of
on Jan 4
Angel Luis Rivera Hernandez | Arizona State University -
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Ángel Luis Rivera Hernández es un escritor, diseñador y padre oriundo de Caguas, Puerto Rico. Su carrera se ha destacado por su enfoque en el crecimiento…
on Jan 3
La pasión de los pardos: el metal pesado como sinfonía del sentimiento
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Siempre es un placer dialogar con la tradición. En este caso, en ocasión de homenajear a Ricardo Iorio, a su obra: su trabajo, su intervención, su producción en la escena de la música argentina. Re-escritura de una reseña publicada en la Revista
on Jan 2
Groups partially derived from the Ancient North Eurasians
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Ancient North Eurasian (ANE) Ancient Beringian/Ancestral Native American (AB/ANA) Eastern Hunter-Gatherer (EHG) Western Hunter-Gatherers (WHG) Western Steppe Herders (WSH) Scandinavian Hunter-Gatherer (SHG) Early European Farmers (EEF) Jōmon people
on Jan 2
HITZALDIA Jose Manuel Urtasun euskal idazle eta predikariaren jaiotzaren 250. urteurrenean
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Euskaltzaindiak eta Zildozko Kontzejuak antolaturik Zildozko elizan, 2023ko azaroaren 26an.
on Dec 31
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My thoughts on Religion Evolution with external links for more info: (Pre-Animism Africa mainly, but also Europe, and Asia at least 300,000 years ago), (Animism Africa around 100,000 years ago), (Totemism Europe around 50,000 years ago), (Shamanism
on Dec 29
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Mesopotamia “Mesopotamia is a historical region of Western Asia situated within the Tigris–Euphrates river system, in the northern part of the Fertile Crescent. Mesopotamia occupies most of present-day Iraq and Kuwait. The historical region includes
on Dec 28
Boris Groys Antologia[cocompress]
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COCOM es un proyecto en curso de curaduría editorial de textos relativos a las teorías de la imagen y de los objetos.
on Dec 27
Dragon-Serpent Slayer Mythology from around the World
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Most gods can be explained or linked to mythology, not fully reality; it was people giving human or animal attributes to the nature around them. I think this was motivated by animistic beliefs and their way of explaining natural phenomena as having a
on Dec 26
Haplogroup D and Migration out of Africa: Andamanese, Negrito, and Orang Asli Peoples
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Andaman Islands “The Andaman Islands (/ˈændəmən/) are an archipelago, made up of 200 islands, in the northeastern Indian Ocean about 130 km (81 mi) southwest off the coasts of Myanmar‘s Ayeyarwady Region. Together with the Nicobar Islands to their
on Dec 25
Timand Bates - A Multitalented Specialist - Kingston, NY
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Currently, Timand Bates is the Program Manager for the Open Society University Network (OSUN), where he oversees an $850k grant to deliver online liberal arts courses to a global student body, leading to significant increases in enrollment and
on Dec 23
Timand Bates - A Proven Authority From Kingston, NY
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Timand Bates’s scholarly work and presentations at national and international conferences underscore his dedication to creating inclusive and effective educational environments. To know more about him visit his official site
on Dec 23
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With Power comes Responsibility Education should be empowering to the learners involved. Facts and critical thinking education helps ensure this. YOU are a good person? If you or I were a good person, how would others know? Would we find the answer
on Dec 23
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Der Begriff der Lebenswelt wurde vor allem von dem Mathematiker und Philosophen Edmund Husserl in seinem Buch Die Krisis der Europäischen Wissenschaften und die transzendentale Phänomenologie in die weitere Diskussion eingeführt. Die Lebenswelt ist
on Dec 22
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Pottery moved from southern China 20,000 years ago, then to Siberia by 14,000, then to the Middle East 10,000 years ago, and then to Europe by around 9,000 years ago "ceramic Mesolithic."
on Dec 22
In Memoriam: Natalie Zemon Davis (1928–2023)
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Natalie left us 21 October 2023. The historical community across the world shared the news with sorrow and gratitude expressed in tributes in many languages and formats. At a dinner party in Florence a few days after her death, scholars from Italy,
on Dec 21
The Qur'ān on Forgiving and doing Good for Enemies
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The Qur'ān contains numerous passages urging forgiveness of enemies and returning their evil deeds with good works, although they have not been studied analytically as a coherent ensemble. These scattered counterparts of the Sermon on the Mount
on Dec 21
“The Diversity of Your Languages and Complexions:” Forms of Equality in the Qur’an
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“The Diversity of Your Languages and Complexions:” Forms of Equality in the Qur’an
on Dec 20
The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and the Gulf Crisis
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The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), initialed in 2013, is among China’s biggest foreign policy and investment commitments. It links China’s Xinjiang Province with the Arabian Sea overland through Pakistan by three major new transportation
on Dec 19
From Tombs to Internet: The Problematic Use of Human Remains in 'Ancient Aliens'
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This text critiques the Ancient Alien theory, which asserts that extraterrestrial intervention shaped human civilization. It exposes how key figures like von Däniken and Sitchin relied on racist, colonial assumptions and fabricated evidence-often
on Dec 19
Top Destinations to Visit Around the World in 2025
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Explore the best destinations worldwide, from Abu Dhabi to New York, with tips on booking cheap flights to Venice, Bangkok, Rome, and more. Discover iconic landmarks, vibrant cultures, and serene landscapes across 12 must-visit cities. Make your 2025
on Dec 19
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This essay argues that, in Tang foreign policy discourse, the stereotype of a moral dichotomy between barbarian perfidy and Chinese trustworthiness was primarily a tool for rhetorical posturing, deployed to justify making war on foreign peoples with
on Dec 18
My general thinking in relation to my Axiology assumptions: Intrinsic, Extrinsic, and Systemic Value
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My general thinking in relation to my Axiology assumptions: Intrinsic Value: (such as human rights) Extrinsic Value: (such as relating to its accuracy, truth, quality, what value that is produced, Its use-value, or an added level of its agreeableness
on Dec 18
‘It was made to appear to them so’: the crucifixion, Jews and Sasanian war propaganda in the Qur’ān
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The quranic sūra The Women 4:157-58 says that Jews claimed to have killed and crucified Christ but denies that they did so. Rather, the verse says, ‘it was made to appear to them so.’ For centuries, controversy has swirled around these verses, as
on Dec 18
Not only Chauvet: Dating Aurignacian rock art in Altxerri B Cave (northern Spain)
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The discovery and first dates of the paintings in Grotte Chauvet provoked a new debate on the origin and characteristics of the first figurative Palaeolithic art. Since then, other art ensembles in France and Italy (Aldène, Fumane, Arcy-sur-Cure and
on Dec 17
Agonistic democracy in Iraq: The fall and rise of Muqtada al-Sadr
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Muqtada al-Sadr’s movement in Iraq in 2014–2018 should be seen as part of a worldwide trend toward movements of the urban poor demanding transparency from entrenched and often plutocratic elected elites. In this regard, it resembles trans- parency
on Dec 17
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In the course of the last decades, new cave art discoveries such as La Garma, Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc, Le Reseau Clastres in the Niaux Cave, Cosquer and Cussac have allowed researchers to advance in context and spatial studies related to the art. This
on Dec 17
Dyed in Virtue: The Qur'ān and Plato's Republic
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THE QUR'ĀN'S CHAPTER "The Cow" contains a verse (2:138) having to do with believers being dyed with the dye of God, which has occasioned speculation both among Muslim exegetes and academic scholars. I translate it this way:
on Dec 16
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RESUMEN.- La Arqueoacústica es una ciencia en gran auge en los últimos años dentro de los estudios arqueológicos. En la actualidad, se están realizando diferentes investigaciones en la Península Ibérica con este nuevo enfoque. Estos buscan determinar
on Dec 16
Moral fear and Moral love (which together motivate my axiological ethics)?
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Justice ethics vs. Care ethics You must choose one over the other because to have the most justice, you will simultaneously have the least care. Choose the most care is to have the least justice. Sometimes, justice has to outweigh care, and
on Dec 16
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This is a draft of the chapter from before it was submitted and subsequently edited. Scholars should please consult the published version, This chapter examines a passage in The Criterion
on Dec 15
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Resumen: El incremento de abrigos pintados mediante prospecciones dirigidas demuestra su funcionalidad y establece pautas extensivas a otros territorios también supuestamente ausente de pintura esquemática. Los datos de la Sierra de San Pedro avalan
on Dec 15
China, and Syria as an "Ideological Exception"
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This chapter considers the motivations that underpinned Chinese policy toward Syria in 2011 and after, as the youth revolt turned to civil war and then the rise in the hinterlands of Muslim fundamentalist mini-states. This typescript is a draft
on Dec 14
Myths and Folklore Trickster gods
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“Trickster tale, in oral traditions worldwide, a story featuring a protagonist (often an anthropomorphized animal) who has magical powers and who is characterized as a compendium of opposites. Simultaneously an omniscient creator and an innocent
on Dec 14