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From activitypub.rocks

SocialHub: Made by you

0 1

Shall we try and do some grassroots #Diy ruff consensuses on socialhub to get the very basic link to the #SWF added Cats and Codeing, we need balence - #4 by hamishcampbell who is up to create an affinity group to make this to happen: Use the tools we have on site: a #KISS proposal, to link...

8h ago

From activitypub.rocks

SocialHub: Made by you

0 1

Communities and people doesn’t adopt digital technologies—they adopt #KISS tools. People don’t use TCP/IP or HTTP; they browse websites. They don’t think about SMTP or IMAP when sending emails. People don’t think about <span class="hashtag-icon-placeholder"></span>ActivityPub</span> at all. They...

on Thu, 9AM

From activitypub.rocks

Mastodon follow request (strange inbox path)

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Hi there, i’m using mastodon to find the profile of fredy@dev.rdf-pub.org Requesting: https://dev.rdf-pub.org/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:fredy@dev.rdf-pub.org gives me: { "subject": "acct:fredy@dev.rdf-pub.org", "links": [ { "rel": "self", ...

on Oct 8

From activitypub.rocks

Fediforum a path to balence

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It’s worth a look at the emptiness of the paywalled FediForum | FediForum September, 2024 “The unconference for the people, who move the Fediverse forward.” the alt who are not there are still more active and important than the people pushing #mainstreaming on this #NGO and #dotcons path. Good...

on Oct 6

From activitypub.rocks

Does a maximally extensible/"extension-first" protocol even make sense?

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TL;DR: If a protocol only consists of extension, is that a useful protocol at all? In another thread I said this: I’ve since thought about this over and over. It gets kinda interesting when you really take it to the logical extreme of making everything into an extension, because you end up...

on Oct 6

From activitypub.rocks

Poll: Should SocialHub be scoped to AS/AP or Social Web?

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What would a bridge look like rather than ownership - what is the native “commons” path to mediate this, let’s try and think outside the #mainstreaming please. The sharing of the domain is already on this balance path, you have the more formal #NGO path with WC3 and the native grassroots path...

on Oct 6

From activitypub.rocks

Pre-FEP: Evolving OrderedCollection to be more useful

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Continuing from (and expanding on) this GitHub issue: Reordering user-created collections · Issue #439 · w3c/activitypub · GitHub Recently I’ve been thinking about OrderedCollection again and how the way it’s specified doesn’t actually match up with the way it’s defined, or with what you’d need...

on Oct 5

From activitypub.rocks

Python fediverse code: granary (lib), Bridgy Fed (app)

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Hi all! In case anyone’s interested, I maintain a couple Python codebases used to federate with the fediverse: granary is a “social web translator.” It fetches and converts data between a wide variety of formats, including ActivityStreams 1 and 2, ActivityPub, Atom, RSS, HTML with microformats,...

on Oct 4

From activitypub.rocks

SocialWebFoundation - what do people think?

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As, nobody has posted on #SocialWebFoundation let’s start a thread: Corporate presence in the Fediverse? The announcement from the #SocialWebFoundation is a corporate vision rather than something native, grassroots or revolutionary. Describing people as “users” who follow “influencers and...

on Oct 2

From activitypub.rocks

Social Web: Our Way Or The Highway?

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I titled this topic in a word-play on the US expression “My way or the highway” to indicate a choice that is in front of us: Either the Commons steps up and keeps having a say in the future of Fediverse / Social Web. Or commercial forces will lead us towards Big Fedi™. We go the way of the...

on Oct 1

From activitypub.rocks

SocialWebFoundation - what do people think?

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We talked about this here What would a fediverse "governance" body look like? and then here Working and thinking on "native" #openweb aproches to governance and agen here were the conversation goes off the rails OGB Means Open Governance Body A video on the <span...

on Sep 30

From activitypub.rocks

SocialWebFoundation - what do people think?

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LoTR already showed us that having “One Ring to rule them all” only leads to a mind-numbingly linear plot to slog on towards Mount Doom, feeling miserable all the time, until the moment that that decision can be undone and fate is once more on our side. /s Fediverse’s AS/AP has had a fantastic...

on Sep 30

From activitypub.rocks

NodeBB v4.0.0 Beta

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Last friday I quietly tagged a commit on the activitypub branch with v4.0.0-beta.1, which signals that the ActivityPub integration is now ready for beta testing. For the most complete (yet readable) list of new functionality from the alpha, check out the "Road to Beta" project page. tl;dr —...

on Sep 25

From activitypub.rocks

Pre-Alpha ActivityPub-related bug reports

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@eeeee NodeBB does not support the as:Question object fully yet.

on Sep 24

From activitypub.rocks

Anyone keen on a fediverse conference in 2023/24

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OK, so it’s been a year and a half since I first posted this half-baked proposal for another online fediverse conference, and although a lot of good groundwork has been done, we haven’t yet managed to hold an event. I’m not too worried about that. I tend to think that things happen when the time...

on Sep 20

From activitypub.rocks

A brief and unromantic history of ActivityPub

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As a supplement to my brief history of the fediverse piece, here’s a few thoughts on the origins and limitations of ActivityPub. From the POV of a fediverse evangelist with no real clue about protocol implementation. BYO grain of salt. The patchy standards compliance in the fediverse is a...

on Sep 20

From activitypub.rocks

Desired changes for a future revision of ActivityPub and ActivityStreams

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@codenamedmitri says in A brief and unromantic history of ActivityPub - #17 by codenamedmitri There was a previous discussion touching on this subject: Should we fork AS/AP specs to Codeberg, create vNext drafts? To summarize, we can break changes up into three categories: minor corrections...

on Sep 18

From activitypub.rocks

Linked Data: Undersold, Overpromised?

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Apologies for the extremely delayed reply, I missed this back in January, as I was out of action that month. Anyway, hey, hi! I’m Emelia, I currently work on the developer tools team over at Inrupt (the company founded by timbl to build Solid for the enterprise). This thread strikes a cord...

on Sep 18

From activitypub.rocks

Seeking Feedback on a New Python ActivityPub Library!

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Hello everyone! 👋🏻 The LinkedTrust team have been developing a new Python library for ActivityPub, and it is my pleasure to present the technical strategy to this community! 🚀 What is it? Its goals are straightforward and this library should help to make the usage of ActivityPub protocols in...

on Sep 10

From activitypub.rocks

How does an AP client read an activity that is an inbox item?

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If I understand Security - Mastodon documentation correctly, then an activity from mastodon can only be read with HTTPSignature (When secure mode is enabled!). However, the privateKey of the actor is best known only to the server and not to the client. So a client cannot read an activity from...

on Aug 27

From activitypub.rocks

Following process in C2S & S2S Servers

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If I implement an ActivityPub server (MyServer) that offers both S2S and C2S, then some processes become exciting. My Server receives a follow activity in the inbox of max and stores it in max’s “unaccepted following requests” collection or the follow activity is simply in max’s inbox! ...

on Aug 27

From activitypub.rocks

Issue with Mastodon pulling posts & followers from new ActivityPub integration

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Would like to thank all for the detailed input, particularly @nightpool. It makes sense to proceed along the thread of getting “follows” working, then customize the application to POST new blog posts to the followers on Mastodon. I have written the Express code to be able to parse the POST...

on Aug 26

From activitypub.rocks

FEP-0391: Special collection proofs

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Hello! This is a discussion thread for the proposed FEP-0391: Special collection proofs. Please use this thread to discuss the proposed FEP and any potential problems or improvements that can be addressed. Summary Some properties represent special collections, such as: outbox...

on Aug 25

From activitypub.rocks

Fediverse history piece from 2017: A Brief History of the GNU Social Fediverse and ‘The Federation’

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In late 2016, the fediverse was reeling under the onslaught of the first two major waves of people leaving Titter for our shores. So in April 2017, in an attempt to put the fediverse into a bit of a historical context for these newbies, I published a blog piece. Aiming for a breezy, vaguely...

on Aug 24

From activitypub.rocks

FEP-1024 Peer to Peer Fediverse Identities

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Hey folks, we at Distributed Press have been working on making a bridge between peer to peer or “dweb” protocols and ActivityPub implementations over the past year and wanted to solidify our approach so that others can interoperate. Here’s is an initial draft explaining our work. We also have...

on Jul 31

From activitypub.rocks

FEP-ef61: Portable Objects

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Hello! This is a discussion thread for the proposed FEP-ef61: Portable Objects. Please use this thread to discuss the proposed FEP and any potential problems or improvements that can be addressed. Summary Portable ActivityPub objects with server-independent IDs.

on Jul 14

From activitypub.rocks

Understanding an Error Message

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I have the same issue - i was working on a project couple of years ago which i got back to today and regular actor profile GET request that was previously returning json with remote actor data is now returning Unable to fetch key JSON <my local actor URL here> .

on Jul 4

From activitypub.rocks

FEP-7952: Roadmap for Actor and Object Portability

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For anyone else like me who struggled to find the full proposal text, here it is: And the prime objective of the FEP is summed up pretty well here: Unbundle the services and concerns of a typical instance Sign everything: Recognize client-side cryptographic signatures as proof of...

on Jun 30

From activitypub.rocks

FEP-7952: Roadmap for Actor and Object Portability

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Discussion thread for FEP-7952: Roadmap for Actor and Object Portability, which is a normative FEP about how to create and handle Actor-rooted (as opposed to Server-rooted) ids for objects, based on self-hosted/independently-hosted, and long-lived (migration-aware, migration-suriving) Actor...

on Jun 30

From activitypub.rocks

FEP-0391: Special collection proofs

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I’d be interested in hearing more about practical examples of “implementer madness”. So far I am unconvinced that it is particularly problematic to use attributedTo on Activities. In fact, I am having trouble thinking of other potential uses for attributedTo on an Activity that aren’t already...

on Jun 30

From activitypub.rocks

FEP-7952: Roadmap for Actor and Object Portability

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Discussion thread for FEP-7952: Roadmap for Actor and Object Portability, which is a normative FEP about how to create and handle Actor-rooted (as opposed to Server-rooted) ids for objects, based on self-hosted/independently-hosted, and long-lived (migration-aware, migration-suriving) Actor...

on Jun 27

From activitypub.rocks

Minutes from 6 June 2024 WG Meeting

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Please see below for minutes from today's Forum and Threaded Discussions Task Force monthly meeting. Apologies in advance if I misrepresented anybody or missed any crucial bits of information Housekeeping: Neither Angus nor Julian have updated the WG fediverse handles yet. Sorry about...

on Jun 25

From activitypub.rocks

Owl-Blogs: Blogging App with ActivityPub Support

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Hey, Owl-blogs is the software running my personal blog. It has reached a certain level of maturity and I think it is stable enough to be used by more people than just me. If you want to try it out or have any questions feel free to reach out to me. I recently added an ActivityPub...

on Jun 25

From activitypub.rocks

Search results for 'hamishcampbell' - SocialHub

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Where ActivityPub developers coordinate their efforts to make the Fediverse a great space for cooperation

on Jun 25

From activitypub.rocks

Understanding an Error Message

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Yes. https://<domain>/actor returns the JSON doc I posted above. I added an outbox property. Same error message.

on Jun 23

From activitypub.rocks

Community notes alternative

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First of all, there is this discussion inside the mastodon repo, but I have a few ideas that could help to bring this feature to the fediverse First, the idea of the proposal: An instance subscribes to another instance for community notes Instances send comunity notes to instances that are...

on May 30

From activitypub.rocks

User being able to follow to remote server hashtag

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Some fedi servers allow users to follow a hashtag. This function is cool, but only allows the user to follow the post the server knows about. My proposal would require multiple things to work. First, we would need an “instance actor”. An actor that would be “hey things go to the instance and...

on May 30

From activitypub.rocks

Working and thinking on "native" #openweb aproches to governance

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The #SocialHub and the #fediverse do not have to conform to traditional hierarchies and power structures. Instead, they have the potential to create new models of governance and organization that empower communities and promote social change. To achieve this, it is important to resist the urge...

on May 27

From activitypub.rocks

Looking for Volunteers: Organize a Fediverse training for EU representatives

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I remember seeing this post and subsequently forgetting to reply to it. I am very interested in helping out in any form. Though I am not knowledgeable on the ActivityPub protocol, I do know my way around the Fediverse etiquette and best practices.

on May 18

From activitypub.rocks

EU outreach - If we dont tell our story am not sure who will

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This is a positive story and a strong lesson to learn from the outcome: https://social.network.europa.eu/about/ https://tube.network.europa.eu/about/instance As you can see they soon dumped the grassroots crew who made it happen and employed #NGO “experts” on how to run them, this lead to...

on May 18

From activitypub.rocks

Fediverse logo or icon proposal

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Hi everyone, Some of you might already be aware of it, some might not: there exists a Fediverse logo/icon proposal, which was created with the idea of trying to convey in a single image the idea of Fediverse, which could be used in many contexts, including as a small icon. The fediverse is...

on May 17

From activitypub.rocks

Fediverse logo or icon proposal

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Hi! Thinking about these things you’ve all said, I’ve come up with something I hope conveys some of them. It has 3 variations for color, and 3 for mono: This accomplishes some things: It is less rigid than the original one It’s no longer a fully connected topography, but a mesh It’s even...

on May 17

From activitypub.rocks

FEP-7888: Demystifying the context property

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current use of context I guess I can add something like that, yeah. As far as I know, the context currently goes largely unused: Pleroma attaches it as a tag that is not meant to resolve, similar to ostatus:conversation, and then it gets ignored because constructing threads is largely based...

on May 16

From activitypub.rocks

Traversing the reply chain when working with topics

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I’ve just been cleaning up threadiverse-wg@socialhub.activitypub.rocks as it had a number of orphaned replies that had been turned into topics. The immediate fix for this is to discard a Note if I don’t have the Note it’s in reply to (instead of creating a new topic) (PR for that is here),...

on May 16

From activitypub.rocks

Topics in the #threadiverse

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We are thinking about topics a lot lately, so I have some questions how the #threadiverse is handling/supportinh it atm. For WordPress we currently support one Group (topic) yet and that is the Blog-Author (@notiz.blog@notiz.blog for example), but we plan to have more Groups (topics) in the...

on May 13

From activitypub.rocks

Discourse <> WordPress Integration

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@pfefferle I also had a look at federation between Lemmy and Wordpress. There is a minor fix I have to get in to make comparison of response content-type headers case insensitive (because you send charset=UTF-8 while eg Mastodon has charset=utf-8. With that change I can already fetch Wordpress...

on May 13

From activitypub.rocks

In the #openweb reboot metaphors a strong path

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The #darkweb is in our poisoned self that has fermented for the last 40 years. It’s the algorithms of manipulation, the #geekproblem unthinking pushiness of this fermentation. The #dotcons are the shiny surfaces of this mess. And the #openweb the seedlings to grow community. This space has...

on May 13

From activitypub.rocks

FEP-8b32: Object Integrity Proofs

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Proof generation and verification algorithms in eddsa-jcs-2022 are changing: To ensure smooth transition, I propose the following plan: Implement new proof verification algorithm (section 3.3.2), specifically step 4. Give everyone some time to upgrade (a couple of months) Implement new...

on May 8

From activitypub.rocks

The Delete Activity And It's Misconceptions

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Instead of using my personal blog, I’m going to just start writing about ActivityPub here instead, as I think it is more useful to have a central repository of all knowledge relating to ActivityPub that is easily searchable. Today, I want to talk about the Delete activity. When talking to...

on May 8

From activitypub.rocks

The ActivityPub Ecosystem

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Evan Prodromou We have a big world to build. In this talk, I’ll discuss some of the cool stuff that’s been built, and cool stuff we still need. Questions & Answers available Q&A Session – The ActivityPub ecosystem ⬡ Hooray, the live Questions & Answers are available here

on May 7