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From againstthecurrent.org

Remembering Barbara Dane

0 1

DURING MUCH OF Barbara Dane’s lifetime, I seldom thought of her as a musical giant. She was, after all, my stepmother and that relationship, as it so often is, could be complicated. Yet in th…

on Fri, 1PM

From againstthecurrent.org

Capitalism Is the Disaster

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DURING THE 2024 election cycle, liberals, social democrats, post-Stalinists, and even some revolutionary socialists argued that workers should support Joe Biden and then Kamala Harris to prevent th…

on Feb 28

From againstthecurrent.org

The Gaza Genocide: Women’s Lives in the Crosshairs

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A POWERFUL REPORT has been issued by the Mezan Centre for Human Rights Reproductive Health Under Genocide: The Struggle of Palestinian Women in Gaza.” It summarizes Israel’s 16-month wa…

on Feb 28

From againstthecurrent.org

The Myth of the Left-wing Professors

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The multi-front war on university students, faculty and academic programs is spearheaded by the notorious attack on pro-Palestinian activism, in the guise of “combating campus antisemitism.” …

on Feb 27

From againstthecurrent.org

Peace Between Neofascists: War on Oppressed Peoples

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How much of Ukraine will Trump give away? THAT WASHINGTON AND Moscow have chosen the Saudi kingdom as the venue for a meeting between their delegations to discuss the prospects of the war that has …

on Feb 20

From againstthecurrent.org

The Meaning of Trumpism for Mexico and the World

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Donald Trump caricature by Donkey Hotey CC-BY-2.0 DONALD TRUMP’S SECOND victory in the 2024 U.S. presidential elections, with more social and legislative power and experience than his first p…

on Jan 31

From againstthecurrent.org

Los Angeles Is Burning & Global Warming Is Responsible

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First set of Southern California wildfires in January 2025 SINCE THIS ARTICLE was published, the number of deaths resulting from the series of fires has risen to 28. On January 22nd another fire br…

on Jan 23

From againstthecurrent.org

The War to End All Encampments: Criminalizing Solidarity

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Judge Gorsuch’s decision attempts to criminalize protest and solidarity actions. IN THE SPRING of 2024, students around the world set up Gaza solidarity encampments — at the same time t…

on Dec 30

From againstthecurrent.org

Robert F. Williams, Modern Abolitionist

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THE FIRST TIME I saw Robert and Mabel Williams, they were sitting on a couch chatting with a diplomat from Tanzania and a Mexican student in the lounge at Havana, Cuba’s Riviera Hotel one Jul…

on Dec 5

From againstthecurrent.org

The Antisemitism Scare: Guide for the Perplexed

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October 28 Symposium at U-M in defense of Professor Maura Finkelstein. From left, Alan Wald, Rebekah Modrak and Maura Finkelstein. Photo: Charles H.F. Davis III INTRODUCTION: As we enter a new poli…

on Nov 18

From againstthecurrent.org

Beyond Reality: On a Century of Surrealism

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Robert Delaunay illustration on the cover of Yvan Goll’s Surréalisme, Manifeste du surréalisme, princeton.edu/ FEW WORDS IN today’s vernacular are as exhausted as “surreal.” Used …

on Nov 13

From againstthecurrent.org

For a Bit of Air, Khatida Jarrar, Palestinian Lawmaker Lies Down on the Floor

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AT THE END of 2023 Palestinian lawyer and activist Khalida Jarrar was arrested by the Israeli police and jailed without charges. Placed in administrative detention, she has had the charges renewed …

on Sep 21

From againstthecurrent.org

“No Fist Is Big Enough to Hide the Sky”: 100 Years of Amilcar Cabral

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Amilcar Cabral at the 1964 Cassacá Congress. ANTI-COLONIALIST AND anti-imperialist, party organizer and guerilla warfare strategist, diplomat and publicist, revolutionary theorist and intern…

on Sep 13

From againstthecurrent.org

Socialist Support of the Green Party

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Jill Stein and the Green Party have worked to be on the ballot but find Democratic Party operatives seek to have them disqualified. AS SOCIALISTS, HOW should we approach the 2024 presidential elect…

on Sep 7

From againstthecurrent.org

Why Socialists Must Defeat Trump

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WITH VICE-PRESIDENT Kamala Harris now the Democratic Party candidate, there was first a sigh of relief and then a burst of enthusiasm among Democrats. Many Democrats now say, “we just might b…

on Sep 4

From againstthecurrent.org

Geronimo Pratt, Political Prisoner

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GERONIMO JIJAGA PRATT has been in jail since 1971. Jurors from his trial for murder in 1972 now say Pratt would not have been convicted if critical evidence had not been withheld from them. An ex-F…

on Aug 9

From againstthecurrent.org

Solidarity & Unity Vs. Far-Right Violence

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Anti*Capitalist Resistance statement on far-right violence sweeping Britain and Northern Ireland in August 2024 1. The tragic murder of three young children by a 17-year old in Southport in July 20…

on Aug 7

From againstthecurrent.org

Thoughts on Women & the Peace Movement

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THROUGH INSPIRING and creative actions, the women’s peace movement has captured worldwide attention and forged international ties between activists in Europe and the United States. Greenham C…

on Jun 29

From againstthecurrent.org

Miners’ Strike Still Echoes in Britain

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NEARLY A YEAR after their return to work, it is clear that the British miners’ strike of 1984/5 has been a watershed for the standing of the Thatcher government, for the trade unions, for the…

on Jun 28

From againstthecurrent.org

The Crisis is Permanent: Middle East and North Africa After 2011

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Arab Spring Movements Graph: Wikipedia THIS TEXT IS an edited transcript from the author’s podcast. Gilbert Achcar is the author of several of books on the Middle East and North Africa, inclu…

on Jun 26

From againstthecurrent.org

Frantz Fanon and the Paradox of Anticolonial Violence

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Writers and Missionaries: Essays on the Radical Imagination By Adam Shatz New York: Verso, 2023, 357 pages, $29 hardback. The Rebel’s Clinic: The Revolutionary Lives of Frantz Fanon By Adam S…

on Jun 24

From againstthecurrent.org

The Student Movement for Palestine Spreading Everywhere

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Oxford University encampment AS THE STUDENT movement in solidarity with the Palestinians and denunciation of their genocide by Israel intensifies in the United States and now spreads across the pla…

on May 12

From againstthecurrent.org

The “Antisemitism” Smear Weaponized

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University of Michigan, Ann Arbor encampment May 1, 2024 WHILE THE HORROR of the Israeli-United States genocidal war on Gaza continues with no letup or resolution in sight, there has been only one …

on May 10

From againstthecurrent.org

Sudan: From Revolution to War

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Sudan Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection, University of Texas ON 15 APRIL 2023, violence erupted in Sudan’s capital Khartoum following weeks of growing tensions between the leader of the …

on May 3

From againstthecurrent.org

Chandler Davis: Dissent and Solidarity

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The Prosecution of Professor Chandler Davis: McCarthyism, Communism, and the Myth of Academic Freedom By Steve Batterson Monthly Review Press, 2023, 200 pages, $16 paperback. I FIND IT find it both…

on Mar 29