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From alaskalandmine.com

Brad Keithley’s Chart of the Week: No, there is not - repeat, not - a Permanent Fund “fiscal crisis”

1 1

Sometimes we are accused of “burying the lead” to these columns by only reaching our primary point a few paragraphs down. Maybe that’s true. So, this...… Read More


on Sep 5

From alaskalandmine.com

Brad Keithley’s Chart of the Week: Growth rates

0 2

Occasionally, we check in on the contribution of various sectors to the overall Alaskan economy, where Alaskans are spending their money (and how much), and the level of personal Alaskan income by various measures. Usually, we use the charts available … Read More

on Sat, 5AM

From alaskalandmine.com

Brad Keithley’s chart of the week: A relook at the Fiscal Policy Working Group proposal

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Last June (2021), in the midst of efforts to resolve the FY22 budget, the Legislature established a bi-partisan, bi-cameral working group for the purpose of “... developing policy recommendations that...… Read More

on Tue, 5PM

From alaskalandmine.com

Brad Keithley’s Chart of the Week: Alaska’s fiscal system is #1 … in terms of regressivity

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Periodically, the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) publishes an update to its “Who Pays?” reports. The most recent - the 7th edition - was...… Read More

on Sep 15

From alaskalandmine.com

Brad Keithley’s Chart of the Week: What the latest state-level IRS data tells us

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About a year ago, we took a look on these pages at what the then-most recent state-level data from the Internal Revenue Service told us about Alaska’s income. In this column, we are updating that look using data from the … Read More

on Sep 14

From alaskalandmine.com

Brad Keithley’s chart of the week: Who should bear the state’s share of K-12 spending?

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While the Legislature as a whole was largely idle during the fourth special session, the House Ways & Means Committee remained active, holding four...… Read More

on Sep 10

From alaskalandmine.com

Brad Keithley’s chart of the week: The missing voice in Alaska’s fiscal debate

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Generally speaking, fiscal policy is about balancing government spending wants against willingness to pay. Just like a kid in a candy store, the aggregate wants are always huge: more spending on schools, or roads, or higher education, or pre-K, or … Read More

on Sep 10

From alaskalandmine.com

Brad Keithley’s Chart of the Week: “Free money” subsidies

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If there were no Permanent Fund earnings, there would be no Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD). But there also would be no Permanent Fund earnings to help pay for government spending. Instead, Alaskans would have to pay for spending directly through taxes.… Read More

on Sep 9

From alaskalandmine.com

Brad Keithley’s chart of the week: The actual "mega-dividends”

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In last week’s column (“The ‘free ride’ that’s growing”), we began a deep dive into the other “free ride” that results from the use of Permanent Fund earnings: the “free ride” from taxes realized by upper-income Alaskans (the “top 20%”) created...… Read More

on Sep 9

From alaskalandmine.com

Brad Keithley’s Chart of the Week: The misleading narrative and its consequences

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In a recent article carried by Alaska Public Media, reporter Robert Woolsey references Senator Bert Stedman (R - Sitka) in concluding that overdraws...… Read More

on Sep 8

From alaskalandmine.com

Brad Keithley’s Chart of the Week: Some observations on campaign positions

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As we have read their position statements in the Alaska Beacon and on their websites and followed their social media posts, we have developed some observations about the positions being taken by some of this year’s legislative candidates on oil and fiscal...… Read More

on Sep 7

From alaskalandmine.com

Brad Keithley’s Chart of the Week: Our monthly Permanent Fund charts

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As some readers may be aware, monthly as the data becomes available, we post charts on our Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages and through them on the Alaskans for Sustainable Budgets website, which evaluate the current status of the Permanent … Read More

on Sep 2

From alaskalandmine.com

Brad Keithley’s Chart of the Week: Why aren’t state oil revenues growing with production, and how to fix it

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As we discussed in an earlier column, the Department of Revenue projects in its Spring 2024 Revenue Forecast (Spring Forecast) that while oil production...… Read More

on Sep 2

From alaskalandmine.com

Brad Keithley’s chart of the week: The goal isn’t new revenues, it’s new revenue design

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Some of what we bring to the discussion of fiscal policy has been learned over the years from dealing with utility rate cases. In those, there are two...… Read More

on Aug 27

From alaskalandmine.com

Brad Keithley’s Chart of the Week: An interim 2024 state revenue and budget update

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Over the past two years, we have used columns during the summer and fall to fill gaps in the Department of Revenue’s (DOR) regular cycle of state revenue forecasts. As we said when we began the practice: The Department of Revenue publishes two formal...… Read More

on Aug 24

From alaskalandmine.com

Brad Keithley’s chart of the week: The new "Goldilocks" charts

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Some readers will know that in addition to these weekly columns, we also regularly produce a series of daily charts focused on various aspects of Alaska oil, gas, and fiscal issues. We call one set of those charts, which we publish on Friday afternoons, the...… Read More

on Aug 23

From alaskalandmine.com

Brad Keithley’s Chart of the Week: Some follow-up on why there is not a Permanent Fund “fiscal crisis”

0 1

In last week’s column, we explained why claims by some that the Permanent Fund is facing a “fiscal...… Read More

on Aug 23

From alaskalandmine.com

U.S. District Court Judge Josh Kindred's resignation raises some serious questions

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Yesterday, I received a tip that U.S. District Court for Alaska Judge Josh Kindred was resigning. I was able to confirm that he had in fact sent a short resignation...… Read More

on Jul 6

From alaskalandmine.com

Brad Keithley’s Chart of the Week: What would the amount of the PFD have been if the Legislature hadn’t taxed it

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Occasionally, we are asked if we know where to find what the amount of the Permanent Fund Dividend...… Read More

on Jun 28

From alaskalandmine.com

Brad Keithley’s Chart of the Week: ENSTAR’s confusing claims

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At a time when the Legislature and the public urgently need clarity and transparency around Cook Inlet gas issues, we are having a difficult time reconciling claims made by Enstar President John Sims on the subject, as recently reported in

on Apr 7

From alaskalandmine.com

Brad Keithley’s Chart of the Week: Alaska is leaving future generations with even less than a bare cupboard; that needs to change

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As we read through it, a recent thought piece in The Economist struck us hard. The piece, entitled “Oil’s...

on Mar 23

From alaskalandmine.com

Brad Keithley’s Chart of the Week: Our first reaction to the Spring (or any) Revenue Forecast

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On Wednesday, the Department of Revenue (DOR) published its Spring 2024 Revenue Forecast (Spring RF), which is considered a milestone by some in the...

on Mar 17

From alaskalandmine.com

Brad Keithley’s Chart of the Week: Where this Legislature is leading Alaska

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Following the release late last year of Governor Mike Dunleavy’s (R - Alaska) proposed Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) budget, we published two columns looking at both its current and long-term impact over the period covered by the accompanying 10-year plan.

on Mar 9

From alaskalandmine.com

Brad Keithley’s Chart of the Week: The most disappointing thing about Alaska fiscal policy and how to stop it

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Without question, the single most disappointing thing to us about Alaska fiscal policy over the past decade...

on Mar 2

From alaskalandmine.com

Brad Keithley’s Chart of the Week: Saying the quiet part out loud

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We were going to write about something else this week, but well-known politico Scott Kendall said something during a Twitter exchange Wednesday that needs some timely attention. The exchange concerned House Joint Resolution 7 (HJR 7), which proposes to...

on Mar 1

From alaskalandmine.com

Brad Keithley’s Chart of the Week: Is Alaska on its way to mimicking Venezuela?

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While following the Joint Senate and House Resources Committees meeting on Cook Inlet gas last week, we suddenly realized some of those testifying were proposing that the Legislature consider adopting an energy policy similar to Venezuela. Certainly, no...

on Feb 18

From alaskalandmine.com

Brad Keithley’s Chart of the Week: The Orwellian approach to Alaska fiscal policy

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A few months ago, Representative Alyse Galvin (I - Anchorage) authored an op-ed in the Anchorage Daily News in which all of her colleagues in the minority...

on Feb 10

From alaskalandmine.com

Brad Keithley’s Chart of the Week: What’s (really) going on with working-age Alaska families

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Over the past couple of weeks, there has been a growing focus on the falling size of Alaska’s working-age population. It began with a report issued by the...

on Jan 27

From alaskalandmine.com

Brad Keithley’s Chart of the Week: The $100,000 Dividend

0 1

Last month we wrote a couple of columns on these pages discussing the Tax Avoidance Dividend (or TAD). The TAD is the flip side of the Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD). The PFD is the portion of Permanent Fund earnings paid

on Jan 22