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From allianceforscience.org

Report: Anti-GMO activism cost Kenya millions of dollars - Alliance for Science

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This report attempts to quantify the damage done by anti-GMO activism and fear-mongering in Kenya, by calculating the economic costs of the many years of delay to three GM crops: maize, cotton, and potato.

#gmo #kenya #maize #Health #Yields #farmers #potatoes #FoodSecurity

5h ago

From allianceforscience.org

Historic iceberg surges offer insights on modern climate change - Alliance for Science

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Scientists have several ways to predict how the AMOC will evolve in the future, including modern observations, statistical analyses, and computational models.

on Jun 23

From allianceforscience.org

“Give genes a chance!” Over 1,000 scientists in 14 countries hold historic demonstrations in support of gene editing - Alliance for Science

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Over 1,000 scientists in 14 European nations have held unprecedented demonstrations nationwide urging MEPs to back New Genomic Techniques (NGTs) ahead of a crunch vote in the EU parliament tomorrow (February 7, 2024). Gene editing technology, argue demonstrators from 29 European universities,...

on Feb 6