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From android.com

Wear OS 5.1  |  Android Developers

0 0

The latest version of Wear OS is here! Test how your app behaves on Wear OS 5.1 on the official emulator in Android Studio.

on Nov 25

From android.com

Build a basic layout  |  Android Basics Compose - First Android app  |  Android Developers

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Build an Android app with a simple user interface that displays text and images.

on Nov 18

From android.com

Ontdek wat er nieuw is: de nieuwste Android-functies | Android

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Ontdek de nieuwe Google-updates voor Android, met verbeteringen voor je telefoons, tablets en Wear OS-smartwatches.

on Nov 14

From android.com

Send simple data to other apps  |  Android Developers

0 0

When you construct an intent, you must specify the action you want the intent to "trigger." Android defines several actions, including ACTION_SEND which, as you can probably guess, indicates that the intent is sending data from one activity …

on Nov 9

From android.com

Add C and C++ code to your project  |  Android Studio  |  Android Developers

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Learn how to add C and C++ code to your Android project.

on Nov 3

From android.com

Features and APIs Overview  |  Android Developers

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Learn about the features and APIs for developers in Android 15.

on Oct 8

From android.com

Factory images for Google Pixel  |  Android Developers

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Instructions for downloading and installing preview system images for Pixel devices.

on Oct 7

From android.com

Verify hardware-backed key pairs with key attestation  |  Security  |  Android Developers

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A tool for verifying security properties of hardware-backed key pairs.

on Oct 6

From android.com

Kotlin and Android  |  Android Developers

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Kotlin is Android's recommended programming language for modern android development.

on Oct 3

From android.com

Große Bildschirme | UI-Design  |  Large Screens  |  Android Developers

0 1

Discover the latest app development tools, platform updates, training, and documentation for developers across every Android device.

on Sep 5

From android.com

Support multi-window mode  |  Jetpack Compose  |  Android Developers

0 1

Enable your app to run in multi-window mode.

on Sep 2

From android.com

Configure context sharing with .aiexclude files  |  Android Studio  |  Android Developers

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Configure context sharing with .aiexclude files.

on Aug 16

From android.com

De nieuwe Quick Share-app voor Windows | Android

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Download de Quick Share-app voor Windows om draadloos foto's, documenten en andere bestanden te delen tussen je Android-apparaat en je Windows-pc.

on Jul 22

From android.com

Release notes  |  Android Developers

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Release notes and known issues for the latest Android 15 builds.

on Jul 20

From android.com

Getting Started with CameraX  |  Android Developers

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This codelab introduces how to create a camera app that uses CameraX to show a viewfinder, take photos and analyze an image stream from the camera.

on Jul 18

From android.com

Compose Preview Screenshot Testing  |  Android Studio  |  Android Developers

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Learn how to run screenshot tests of Compose UIs.

on Jul 12

From android.com

Practical performance problem solving in Jetpack Compose  |  Android Developers

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Make your Compose app run fast by analyzing system traces and fixing common lag causes.

on Jul 10

From android.com

Android 15 Preview  |  Android Developers

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How the Android 15 Preview works, the timeline, and what is included.

on Jul 9

From android.com

Behavior changes: all apps  |  Android Developers

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Learn about changes in Android 15 that will affect all apps.

on Jun 26

From android.com

Optimize your app for autofill  |  Identity  |  Android Developers

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Learn about the autofill framework available in Android 8.0 (API level 26) and higher.

on Jun 24

From android.com

Android Basics with Compose  |  Building App UI  |  Android Developers

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Continue learning fundamentals of Kotlin and start building more interactive apps.

on Jun 5

From android.com

Calculate a custom tip  |  Android Developers

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Learn how to add an action button, set up keyboard actions, and use a Switch composable.

on Jun 3

From android.com

Practice: Click behavior  |  Android Developers

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Apply what you learned about button click behavior to build an app.

on Jun 2

From android.com

Änderungen beim Verhalten: Apps, die auf Android 15 oder höher ausgerichtet sind  |  Android Developers

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Informieren Sie sich über die Änderungen bei Android 15, die sich auf Apps auswirken, die auf Android 15 oder höher ausgerichtet sind.

on Jun 2

From android.com

Create an interactive Dice Roller app  |  Android Developers

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Learn how to build an interactive Dice Roller app that lets users roll a dice and then shows them the result.

on Jun 2

From android.com

Project: Create a Business Card app  |  Android Developers

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Learn how to create an Android app that showcases your business card.

on May 31

From android.com

Practice: Compose Basics  |  Android Developers

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Apply the concepts of basic UI composables to implement screens for the given problems.

on May 29

From android.com

Add images to your Android app  |  Android Developers

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Learn how to build a simple app with composable functions.

on May 27

From android.com

Android スマホの鼻歌検索で、曲名や歌詞がわからない曲を検索しよう

0 0

口笛や鼻歌で曲を検索できる「鼻歌検索」機能を使えば、曲名やアーティストがわからなくても検索できます。また、Google Pixel なら、近くで流れている音楽を自動的に認識し、気になる曲の情報を調べてくれます。本記事では、鼻歌検索の機能と使い方などを紹介します。

on May 26

From android.com

Behavior changes: Apps targeting Android 15 or higher  |  Android Developers

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Learn about changes in Android 15 that will affect apps when they target Android 15 or higher.

on May 21