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From appropedia.org

Agrivoltaic agrotunnel

1 1

Climate change and sever weather is the primary challenge facing year-round berry production in Canada. Our solution to address this challenge is to couple an indoor farm and solar photovoltaic shielded outdoor farm, which is net zero energy to produce berries year round with high yields,...

#farming #solarpunk #appropedia #solarpower #agriculture #agrotunnels #solarpanels #sustainable #Agrivoltaics #agrovoltaics

11h ago

From appropedia.org

Creation of Modular Recyclable Solar Panels - Literature Review

0 0

This page is under continuous construction.

on Jul 20

From appropedia.org

The Triple Alliance

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The Open Cafe / Community Supported Agriculture / Fab Lab Alliance

on Jul 15

From appropedia.org

Ecovillages & Intentional Communities Energy and Climate Action Research Project

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on Jul 10

From appropedia.org

Tolocar Playbook

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Toloka is a traditional way of showing solidarity through the provision of physical support in Ukraine. With that in mind, German and Ukrainian partners with support from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) co-created the Tolocar project just a few weeks after the...

on Mar 23

From appropedia.org

The Future We Deserve/Using Science Locally - Ian Simmons

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Recently I found myself in the back lane here in Whitley Bay, sorting out some weirdness with the recycling bin and talking to the chap next door, who specialises in teaching mystic running techniques, when the local 'cat lady' came up and started accusing him of 'murdering'...

on Jan 22

From appropedia.org

The Future We Deserve/Higher Education for the Future We Deserve - Lisa Erwin

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There should be no economic barriers to higher education in a finite world where outcomes for many species, including our own, hinge on the wisdom and foresight of human populations. Regardless of whether a formal university education on a well-appointed campus remains a privilege for which...

on Jan 22

From appropedia.org

The Future We Deserve/The Education We Deserve - Pamela Mclean

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Everyone deserves the opportunity of a good education. I am fortunate. Thanks to the Internet I have spent ten years enjoying educational opportunities that would otherwise have been impossible for me.

on Jan 22

From appropedia.org

The Future We Deserve/Online Open Distance Learning - Anil Prasad

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Development of formal classroom study setups are now in a saturated situation. In most places further development of infrastructure for conventional classroom learning, especially for higher education, is quite difficult. On the administrative side reasons are many like constraints of space,...

on Jan 22

From appropedia.org

The Future We Deserve/Challenging Education and the "Harry Potter Letter" - Edmund Harriss

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on Jan 22

From appropedia.org

Welcome to Appropedia

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Welcome to Appropedia, the sustainability wiki! We help build rich and sustainable lives by sharing knowledge, experiences, ideas and more.

on Oct 8, 2023