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From azocleantech.com

A Novel Approach to Sustainable Hydrogen Production

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Researchers unveil a solar cell innovation that could transform hydrogen production, leveraging Sn(II)-perovskite materials for sustainable energy applications.

#hydrogen #greenhydrogen

16h ago

From azocleantech.com

Rationing as a Strategy to Reduce Consumption and Mitigate Climate Change

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Goods like meat and fuel can be fairly and successfully rationed to reduce consumption, which has a significant impact on the climate.

on Oct 1

From azocleantech.com

Ancient Ocean Suffocation Offers Warning for Climate Change Impact

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In a recent study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers warned about the potential effects of oxygen depletion and climate change in oceans by using a clue found in Italian limestone that explains a huge extinction of marine life millions of years ago.

on Jun 28

From azocleantech.com

The Negative Impact of LEDs on the Environment and Health

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Research suggests that 80% of the world’s population lives under ‘skyglow’, and it is becoming increasingly rare to view a natural night sky unhindered by light pollution. This article will look at light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and their consequences on the environment and animal health.

on May 15

From azocleantech.com

Climate Change Triggers Microbial Menace in Warming Seas

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Rising water temperatures due to climate change are expected to impact the proliferation of ocean pathogens, potentially leading to an increased presence of bacteria harmful to humans.

on Jan 24

From azocleantech.com

AI Predicts Major Ice Loss Even With Immediate Climate Action

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Even if global warming were to cease entirely, the volume of ice in the European Alps is projected to decline by 34% by the year 2050.

on Jan 24

From azocleantech.com

Capturing Greenhouse Gases With the Help of Light

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Researchers at ETH Zurich are developing a new method to remove CO2 from the atmosphere. It involves molecules that become acidic when exposed to light. Their new process requires much less energy than conventional technologies.

on Jan 22

From azocleantech.com

New U.S. Facility Turns Ag Waste into Bioplastic

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From eating utensils and straws to coffee pods and jars, most of us use plastic products daily.

on Nov 9, 2023

From azocleantech.com

Nuclear Waste Recycling: Turning Radioactive Materials into Clean Fuel

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Reprocessing spent fuel to recover fissile and fertile materials to provide new fuel for current and future nuclear power plants is a crucial and almost unique feature of nuclear energy.

on Nov 3, 2023

From azocleantech.com

Carbon Dioxide: The Unexpected Catalyst in the Fuel Cell Revolution

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Researchers have developed an efficient process that can convert carbon dioxide into formate, a material that can be used in fuel cells to generate electricity.

on Nov 3, 2023

From azocleantech.com

Millions More People Depending on Coral Reefs

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According to recent data on population increase in coastal areas, millions more people than 20 years ago depend on severely threatened coral reefs.

on Oct 31, 2023

From azocleantech.com

Study Finds Global Climate Change Adaptation Actions are too Uncoordinated

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How are governments, organizations, companies, and individuals dealing with the impacts of global warming?

on Oct 14, 2023

From azocleantech.com

How the Rise of Electric Vehicles Could Harm Native American Sacred Sites

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Conditions are ripe for an accelerated transition to electric vehicle (EV) use in the United States.

on Oct 8, 2023

From azocleantech.com

Will Hydrogen Satisfy Enough Global Energy Demand by 2050?

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In this article, we delve into the evolving landscape of hydrogen demand, policies driving its growth, and the challenges that lie ahead.

on Oct 4, 2023