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From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Fire All of Your Guns at Once and Explode Into Space

1 1

Jamelle Bouie is a good follow on TikTok and on Bluesky.  He has a new video out where he includes some of Trump’s recent rally rhetoric and compares it to a Dave Chappelle Klan rally sketch.  Trump’s ranting about immigrants is pretty much indistinguishable.  JD has decided to take the Platonic...

5h ago

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Sunday Morning Open Thread: Kamala Googles Kamala

1 1

Thank you, commentor Bart: Kamala Harris Answers The Web’s Most Searched Questions | WIRED (It’s Sunday morning, you can listen to it later if you don’t have the ten minutes right now.)


12h ago

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Make plans to vote early

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Early voting is starting real soon in some states. It is advantageous to a campaign to get as much as its vote in early. An early vote counts the same as an Election Day vote but an early vote removes variance. A campaign, like Harris that is highly likely in the lead at this point …

on Thu, 4PM

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Chief 'Justice' John Roberts Conclusively Retires Roger Taney's Crown of Ignominy

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Long overdue. The deference shown to this robed wrecking-ball despite his decades of doing damage to our democracy is a scandal. https://t.co/caNyYUVDS9 — Peter Wolf (@peterawolf) September 15, 2024 Good morning. We just published an inside account of how the Supreme Court decided the recent...

on Wed, 1AM

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Saturday Night Open Thread

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I am exhausted. Long day of work, four hours cutting the soccer fields today, and then the gym. I’m pooped. I’m horrified by the stochastic terrorism going on in Springfield: Two hospitals in Springfield, Ohio, were sent into lockdown after bomb threats, police said Saturday, marking the fourth...

on Sep 15

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Harris and Walz Live Events Today: Open Thread

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The Gov is in Grand Rapids:   Madam VP is in Greensboro, NC These teams know what they are doing: Four hours before the VP arrives here in Charlotte, the Harris campaign has a DJ spinning beats for those in the security line. pic.twitter.com/xrkhaAeA8a — Maeve Reston (@MaeveReston) September 12,...

on Sep 13

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Funniest, Dummest, Most Pathetic, Best, Worst, Most Memorable Lines in the Debate (and Taylor Swift Endorsed Kamala!)

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I laughed out loud when the Tramp said: ” Joe Biden hates you.” ***** Also, Taylor Swift (!) Full statement. Like many of you, I watched the debate tonight. If you haven’t already, now is a great time to do your research on the issues at hand and the stances these candidates take on the …

on Sep 11

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Post-Debate Discussion Open Thread

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kamala is like HEY DONALD IM LAYING A TRAP YOU PROBABLY SHOULDNT WALK INTO IT YOU BETTER NOT and he walks RIGHT IN — Marisa Kabas (@marisakabas.bsky.social) September 10, 2024 at 9:38 PM My opinion, and more importantly that of a lot of more influential watchers, is that Vice-President Harris...

on Sep 11

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Watching / Livestreaming the Debate

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ABC’s livefeed on YouTube:   Here’s the Guardian‘s liveblog, which is always interesting: The Harris campaign will be fact-checking the debate in real time, on X. Trump is going to lie tonight. A lot. So we are going to fact check him in real time. Follow @KamalaHQ and tap the bell icon to help amplify …

on Sep 11

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Tuesday Morning Open Thread: Hugely Debatable

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(John Deering via GoComics.com) It's wrestling. The face (Kamala) has to honor tradition, be a role model for kids and win 'the right way.' The heel (Trump) has to be funny on the mic, keep the drama fresh and win by any means necessary, to include sending a mob of roided up mooks to beat …

on Sep 10

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Written in Blood

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Michael Lewis’ long-form profile of Chris Marks is definitely worth a read [WaPo gift link].  Marks’ pioneering work in mine safety led to the first year in modern history (2016) with no fatalities from roof falls in coal mines.  The piece does a lot to debunk the horseshit conservative talking...

on Sep 8

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Rescue Bleg Update: Four Five Adult / Senior Cats in South Bend

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ICYMI, cat rescuer Satby is looking to save five cats from an untimely fate: A 92-year-old woman who was a member of the UU church here passed away. Her daughter, up from Texas to wrap up her mom’s affairs, is unable to take mom’s four cats back to Texas because she already has three of …

on Sep 7

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - North Carolina Asian Americans Together (NCAAT)

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So excited about this new group! North Carolina Asian Americans Together is a mouthful, so I will refer to them as NCAAT.  What we will be funding though, is technically NCAAT In Action – the partisan side of the organization.  You will see that there are separate websites for NCAAT and NCAAT In...

on Sep 7

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Thursday Morning Open Thread: 'The Battle to Bring Harris Down'

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(Mike Luckovich via GoComics.com)   It’s the Repubs’ last best hope, and it’s not going well for them. Josh Marshall, at TPM: I wanted to flag two articles to your attention, one from the Post and the other from CNN. They both cover similar ground but in different ways. The gist is that the Trump …

on Sep 5

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Excellent Read: The kleptocrats aren’t just stealing money. They’re stealing democracy

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"The confiscation of a few yachts is no solution. What if, instead, we shut it all down?" my pitch to fight kleptocracy, in the @FT themes taken from AUTOCRACY INC https://t.co/QxurmnycKf — Anne Applebaum (@anneapplebaum) September 1, 2024 It’s hard to extract Anne Applebaum’s articles, because...

on Sep 4

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - What Does it Mean to Fight? Some Numbers

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I unintentionally started a series of posts on what it means to fight by asking questions about the Colin Allred campaign in Texas (post 1) and the Tim Ryan campaign in Ohio (post 2).  I was cleaning out my feed reader and found two posts about Texas that are deep dives into what it takes …

on Sep 3

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - (Already) Tuesday Morning Open Thread: *Now*, It's Serious

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“When unions are strong, America is strong!” – @VP at Labor Day rally in Michigan. https://t.co/2MdTarJesH — Vincent Evans (@VinceEvans) September 2, 2024 Vice President Harris: When I am President, we will pass the PRO Act and end union-busting once and for all#LaborDay...

on Sep 3

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Excellent Reads: What Happened At Arlington Cemetary

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Seems pretty clear that Fox coordinated in advance with the Trump campaign to perpetuate this false smear, and just went with their agreed upon line even after he got caught in the middle of the ratfuck. pic.twitter.com/yCZtKagXwz — Brian Beutler (@brianbeutler) August 31, 2024 Mr. Charles P....

on Sep 3

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - On The Road - Albatrossity - The past is not dead, it's not even past.

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Happy Monday!  Looks like a great week ahead! Albatrossity In late August I took a long road trip (nearly 3000 miles) from my home in eastern Flyover Country to see some birds in the mountain ranges/sky islands of southeastern Arizona. I had some recent health news that was not good, and it...

on Sep 2

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Late Night Open Thread: Trump & His Sundown(ing) Towns

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This is another thing that shows you that Trump has no real momentum. He's going to areas where his support is strong just to keep the MAGAs engaged. https://t.co/YJQIWefSoP — DFW Sports 4Life (@Kennymack1971) September 1, 2024 3/Could it be coincidence that is bringing Trump to these places?...

on Sep 2

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Saturday Night Palate Cleanser: 'Kamala Harris Yard Signs Trigger Snit... '

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Pink 'Kamala Harris' yard signs trigger snit in Birmingham, owner orders hundreds more https://t.co/1L6RtIruaZ — Detroit Free Press (@freep) August 28, 2024 In keeping with the Blogmaster’s latest post… The Detroit Free Press reports: … When Birmingham resident Nikki Sapiro Vinckier adorned her...

on Sep 1

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Another Day, Another Video of JD Saying Shitty Things

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I wonder how many more of these are going to surface: Donald Trump’s running mate, JD Vance, said that professional women “choose a path to misery” when they prioritize careers over having children in a September 2021 podcast interview in which he also claimed men in America were “suppressed” in...

on Aug 31

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - The Political Press Needs a Reset

0 2

I watched the Harris/Walz interview with Dana Bash and I thought it was good for Harris/Walz, and at the same time bad TV and poor journalism.  Atrios has helpfully summarized all the questions asked if you want to remember just how lackluster they were. The interview was bad TV because the...

on Aug 31

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Monday Morning Open Thread: There's Much to Love in the Harris Campaign

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Kamala has the exact opposite effect of Vance or Trump — the more people see and hear from her, the more they like her. https://t.co/LGFhpXFLxT — Conor Rogers (@conorjrogers) August 25, 2024 Democrats are united and determined to deliver even more jobs, expand health care and protect freedoms....

on Aug 26

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Friday Evening Open Thread: Afterglow

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(Clay Bennett via GoComics.com) Been a long week, I’m gonna bask a little this weekend! Tonight, @KamalaHarris showed the world what I have known to be true. She is ready on day one to be President and represents the best of America. Let’s get to work. pic.twitter.com/b4fejucl7F — Barack Obama...

on Aug 24

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - War for Ukraine Day 912: Ukrainian Flag Day

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(Image by NEIVANMADE) Three quick housekeeping notes. First, Rosie is doing great. She’ll be off through next week before starting the fourth and final round of chemo. Thank you for the good thoughts, well wishes, prayers, and donations. Second, the new bed frame is assembled, in place, and the...

on Aug 24

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Parasites Weaken the Host

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Why does Vance have terrible advance work: tiny crowds, a “spontaneous” trip to a donut shop where nobody knew he was coming, appearing on a podium stacked with cardboard boxes? Why was the Republican convention a low-key, muted, partially empty, boring event, especially when compared to this...

on Aug 23

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - It's Up to Us Now, Next Up, Youth Again (only Younger!)

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Meet The Civics Center, our next targeted strategic fundraising. As you know our primarily fundraising focus has been on single state micro-targeting of specific populations in key states.  And of course we do targeted fundraising for candidates in key races in key states, which we will do again...

on Aug 23

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Editorial Board Twitter Thread

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I heard there was a bit of a kerfuffle related to this tweet thread.  Here’s a post for those who can’t see this on twitter or don’t want to use twitter.  I did not see an unrolled version.  If there is one, someone post a link in the comments and I’ll add it.   Thanks, …

on Aug 15

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - On The Road - Albatrossity - Summer 2024 in Flyover Country - 9

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It’s Albatrossity Monday!  The weeks are flying by, aren’t they?  This week we have the final 3 posts of the PaulB series.  Paul, thanks so much for these! Albatrossity Hot summer days usually mean slow summer birding, but there are other critters to see and photograph if you look around.

on Aug 14

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Opinion for Discussion: Republicans Will Refuse to Certify a Harris Win

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From the Bulwark.  Yeah, I know.  Still worth reading. h/t Jackie for the article. 1. Trump’s Not Taking the L. . . The last two weeks—the unveiling of the Harris-Walz ticket, and Kamala Harris’s surge in the polls—feels like some surreal dream state. Everything has changed. Have you noticed...

on Aug 10

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - The New York Times Is An Arm Of The Trump Campaign

0 3

I’ve tried to persuade myself that the problems at the Times were more those of a herd instinct that an explicit preference for Trump and Republican control (read, slaughter) of American democracy. Then Michael Crowley published a truly revealing piece on Biden as a war-driven, perhaps even...

on Aug 10

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Yes, Virginia. The Media Does Put A Thumb On The Scale

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Bias in the media is a tricky thing to nail down, no matter how obvious it seems from the cheap seats (where I sit, that is). What can seem like conscious choices to shape the narrative one way or another are often more likely to be structural flaws journalism (shorthand: quotes aren’t facts, or why …

on Aug 9

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - You Just Haven't Earned It Yet, Baby

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First, cry harder. Second, after his NABJ catastrophe, I’m sure Trump’s press conference at his stately pleasure dome will be highly controlled press avail with only the best reporters asking questions that aren’t rude.  Still, I guarantee that the “mainstream” press covering it will do...

on Aug 8

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Hopeful Dawn Open Thread: Magdi Jacobs on Social Media Tactics

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(Jack Ohman via GoComics.com) I would like to suggest some very simple social media tactics that all Democrats should engage in before the election. A 🧵 — Magdi Jacobs (@magi_jay) August 5, 2024 I’m really bad at social media (twitter & BlueSky) myself — I’m not a fast reader, and tend to treat them as …

on Aug 6

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - They Are All Mob Bosses Now

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They are all mob bosses now.  So brazen – they are confident that they can get away with anything. Mob Boss Neil Gorsuch: Be careful…or what? https://t.co/zDL3NkIZG4 — Jack E. Smith ⚖️ (@7Veritas4) August 4, 2024 Don’t like your neighbor?  Don’t like how someone votes?  Now, in Georgia, you...

on Aug 6

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Odds & Ends (Open Thread)

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Is it Friday already? Days of the week are meaningless here in Happy Funville. That said, the news has been a lot more fun since the, uh, vibe shift in the 2024 election. Exhibit A, did you know Trump is now too fucking old to be president? Even Republicans acknowledge that: (Newsweek) In a fresh …

on Aug 3

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Saturday Morning Open Thread: Joy Is A Good Feeling

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(Ann Telnaes via the Washington Post)   One of the best decisions I’ve made was picking @KamalaHarris as my vice president. Now that she will be our party’s nominee, I couldn’t be prouder. Let’s win this. pic.twitter.com/wD1gqyHyVI — Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) August 2, 2024 On Friday, Doug Emhoff...

on Aug 3

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - COVID-19 Coronavirus (& H5N1) Updates: July 31, 2024

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#H5N1 #birdflu is spreading in some farm animals like poultry and cows. If you are around poultry, dairy cows or unpasteurized (raw) milk, seek medical care if you get symptoms of bird flu. Find out more about the signs of bird flu at https://t.co/nxf4gUvpoL pic.twitter.com/GEI1ehU6rU — CDC Flu...

on Jul 31

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - On The Road - Albatrossity - Summer 2024 in Flyover Country - 1

0 1

Still in Flyover Country, and headed back to Austrailia and the Cascade Loop! Time moves fast for migrant birds, arriving here in April or May and kicking the kids out of the nest in June or July. They also become harder to photograph, as they spend less time singing and showing off and more time …

on Jul 29

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Programming Note

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I’m going to be traveling for a couple of weeks, so posting from me will be scarce. Overall, I think Democrats are in a much better place than they were a few weeks ago.  I’m especially seeing this in the normies around me.  A lot of the more politically engaged in my family and friend …

on Jul 28

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Saturday Morning Open Thread: The Torch Has Been (Is Being) Passed...

0 1

This is how I want Biden to hand off the nomination. https://t.co/QDEdkL0uRq — Clean Observer (@Hammbear2024) July 25, 2024 SoAll those "Pass the torch" dudes didn't have a planBut Joe Biden loves to make plansAnd he made a plan And his plan worked Bless ?? pic.twitter.com/3gmMkDr7ai — Sibylle...

on Jul 28

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Friday Night Open Thread- The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves

0 2

JD Vance is going through some shit. And I have so little respect for that fucker he isn’t even getting periods in between his initials. But at any rate, ole JD is going through some shit: And that doesn’t even dent the surface. And he is not reacting well to the pressure. His notorious cat …

on Jul 27

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Kamala Harris: White Women Answering the Call – Opportunity Tonight at 8:30 Eastern!

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Sent to me by AM in NC : My text group of politically engaged women friends just forwarded this around to our group for us to sign up tonight.  Thought I’d send it to you to pass on to the jackaltariat.  I think Shannon Watts (behind Moms Demand) is one of the organizers. answerthecall2024.com...

on Jul 26

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - 2024 Activism Archives

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If Joe Biden Can Step Aside, the Rest of Us Can Step Up Balloon juice activism and political engagement includes: 1) strategic fundraising, 2) postcard writing, and 3) other opportunities to take action. There will be regular postcarding and political action threads throughout the election...

on Jul 26

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Open Thread: Does Amtrak Love Joe This Much?

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Does Amtrak love Joe enough to be making a reference to Vance and the couch? are you team couch or team seat? pic.twitter.com/nZ0vHdyOjX — Amtrak (@Amtrak) July 22, 2024 Open thread. Update: In the spirit of talking about the DEI hire for *downwardly mobile white guys, I’ll share this tweet from...

on Jul 26

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Every Time the Sun Comes Up He's in Trouble

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Trump is having buyer’s remorse on the Vance pick: Trump campaign officials acknowledged that Trump selected the inexperienced Vance, charged with all his techno-authoritarian ideas, to boost support among their own base, not extend a hand to swing voters, according to The Atlantic. Vance was a...

on Jul 24

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Excellent Link: Such A *GLORIOUS* Downfall!

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I was just hoping somebody would produce a version of the Downfall meme for TFG’s response to President Biden’s selfless announcement, and by Murphy the Trickster God it is gonna be very hard to top this one!   Downfall: Unburdened Edition pic.twitter.com/rSdfAXfq9G — FriendlyKozak 🇺🇦...

on Jul 23

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - It’s Up To Us Now, Next Stop, North Carolina – Phase II

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Reminder:  Why North Carolina?  NC is not a red state.  NC is a voter suppressed state.  NC now has 16 electoral votes, similar to GA (16)and MI (15)..  Trump won NC by ~ 75k votes, just 1.5% of the 5,500,000 votes cast. Let’s talk demographics: NC is changing fast, and Republicans know it – which …

on Jul 23

From balloon-juice.com

Balloon Juice - Still Conflicted But 100% Committed

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I still feel kind of numb from the weekend’s events. As I said on twitter and in the comments last night, I played enough team sports and was in the army long enough that I know to put myself below the needs of the many to achieve a goal, and I am legit excited about …

on Jul 22