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From bearblog.dev


0 1

Hi šŸƒ Thanks for coming to my blog! My main goal here is to discover how I can be more authentic to myself through explorations in writing. I also write becau...

on Fri, 5PM

From bearblog.dev

Cynicism Is Easy, Optimism takes work

0 6

I recently had a conversation with a friend about my twitter journey. I told him about how random accounts have responded with kindness in Dms when I was jus...

on Fri, 4PM

From bearblog.dev

Re-thinking my Blogroll Position

0 1

After yesterday's reply post about blogrolls, I got to talking on Mastodon and now am on the fence about it.

on Fri, 3PM

From bearblog.dev

Fictional Wolfe

0 1

<h4>Here be dragons, aliens, space pirates, and things that go bump in the night!</h4> If you are looking to explore strange new worlds populated by e...

on Fri, 3PM

From bearblog.dev

20240704: Revista Almiar: Mar de poesĆ­as.

0 1


on Thu, 4PM

From bearblog.dev

šŸ¼ Panda Pixels

0 1

{{ posts|limit:10|content:True }}...

on Thu, 3PM

From bearblog.dev

Re: To Blogroll, or to not?

0 1

Responding to JCProbably's post about whether or not to keep a blogroll. An unofficial "July Reply".

on Thu, 2PM

From bearblog.dev


0 1


on Thu, 8AM

From bearblog.dev

What Steven Pinker's Enlightenment Now can teach to journalism

0 1

A few important lessons that every journalist should learn from Enlightenment Now by Harvard cognitive psychologist Steven Pinker.

on Wed, 10PM

From bearblog.dev

Looking Back on June 2024

0 1

June 2024 was a long month and a lot happened, so I thought I'd look back at it.

on Wed, 4PM

From bearblog.dev

The Station

0 1


on Wed, 3PM

From bearblog.dev

Nearly Empty

0 1


on Wed, 8AM

From bearblog.dev

Big Nope

0 1

Today started with grand plans, but life said "Nope".

on Wed, 12AM

From bearblog.dev

Old Times

0 1


on Tue, 10PM

From bearblog.dev

Leaving A Country

0 1

I have always tried to optimise for the right environments. I feel like that is the most powerful thing to do. You meet the right people. You generate ideas....

on Tue, 3PM

From bearblog.dev


0 1


on Tue, 1PM

From bearblog.dev

Get Bored!

0 1

Productivity gurus and hacks have killed the essence of getting bored. Do you think Da Vinci was obsessed with utilising every minute of the day? Do you thin...

on Tue, 10AM

From bearblog.dev


0 1


on Tue, 10AM

From bearblog.dev

Tmail.Link Demonstrates What A Bad Temporary Email Service Looks Like

0 2

Tmail.Link is a temporary email service that allows for users to access any inbox they want, opening the door to accounts using the service to be taken over with password resets.

on Tue, 6AM

From bearblog.dev

Burn It Down

0 1


on Mon, 1PM

From bearblog.dev

Cities need more trees

0 12

A case for planting more trees in urban areas.

on Mon, 9AM

From bearblog.dev

Juegos con orgullo

0 1

Buenas gente, hemos acabado junio y con Ʃl el mes del orgullo, a lo mejor lo habƩis notado porque todas las marcas se han quitado la bandera arcoƭris de sus ...

on Mon, 9AM

From bearblog.dev

Another Blog of Mine

0 1


on Mon, 9AM

From bearblog.dev

Late Afternoon

0 1


on Sun, 9PM

From bearblog.dev


0 1


on Sun, 9PM

From bearblog.dev

I Heart You

0 1


on Sun, 4PM

From bearblog.dev

I See Faces

0 1


on Sun, 8AM

From bearblog.dev

this little web

0 1

I was writing in my journal this morning. Watching Siem Reap do it's morning things. Made some coffee. For whatever reason started thinking on the words in t...

on Sun, 2AM

From bearblog.dev

Looking Out

0 1


on Sat, 10PM

From bearblog.dev

Feliz SĆ£o JoĆ£o!

0 0

Ou melhor, Feliz SĆ£o Pedro! Feliz Ćŗltimo dia de festejos juninos. Passar mais um mĆŖs junino na 'Capital do ForrĆ³' sempre traz infinitas sensaƧƵes que atĆ© ...

on Jun 29

From bearblog.dev

Iā€™d Like to Get to Know You

0 0

A list of representative posts and a request for the favorite posts others have written.

on Jun 29

From bearblog.dev

The People We Meet Online

0 0

When it comes to online interaction with other people, I couldn't tell you what exactly what I'm looking for because I don't have an exact goal. I enjoy ...

on Jun 29

From bearblog.dev


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on Jun 29

From bearblog.dev

test two

0 0

This is test two. Posting this from a simple markdown editor on Android. Quoting Trying an embedded image. Ok. Test 2 done. ...

on Jun 28

From bearblog.dev

Tech Alternatives and Privacy

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Thinking about the reality of hopping between software and operating system platforms and how places of privilege come into play.

on Jun 28

From bearblog.dev

Podcasts are dead. Long live to podcasts.

0 0

@ Vulture | Initially, podcasts were more associated with narrative programs that aspired to high art status. These programs were complex, required a ...

on Jun 27

From bearblog.dev

Creative Process

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A stream-of-consciousness post about creativity and what I'm working through right now.

on Jun 26

From bearblog.dev

Shape Rotation 101: An Intro to Einsum and Jax Transformers

0 0

First, I would like to acknowledge my friends and kind internet strangers who helped me with this post. This post heavily adapts from the following - ...

on Jun 26

From bearblog.dev

Updating my blogroll

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This is how I'm going to keep my blogroll updated going forward until I find a more automated method

on Jun 26

From bearblog.dev

When "New" versions are a downgrade

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I recently tried Microsoft's "New" Outlook and found it to be a major downgrade.

on Jun 26

From bearblog.dev

looking back over a lifetime, you see that love was the answer to everything

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Minutes before I left home on Thursday one of my mom's coworkers pulled up on the driveway and handed me a plastic bag of as a going away gift. "Good luck w...

on Jun 26

From bearblog.dev

Aquatic metaphor poem

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Large portions of the ocean, \ remain unknown to the lay-men. And even the more sciency types, \ haven't been able to snipe. The twisty things that s...

on Jun 26

From bearblog.dev


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Some random thoughts about how I recover from being sick.

on Jun 26

From bearblog.dev

A Reading Realization

0 1

<!--Centered Image Start--> <figure> <center><img width="300" src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f4/PainterRuvoARV1ofgiving-Muses.jpg"><...

on Jun 26

From bearblog.dev

Zig vs Rust at work: the choice we made

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At [redacted], we serve hundreds of millions of users. We use C and C++ in some of our core systems which end up servicing some of our most important featur...

on Jun 26

From bearblog.dev

on souls and art

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<img src="https://images-assets.nasa.gov/image/GSFCArchive20171208e001789~small.jpg" class="banner" alt="Young Stars at Home in Ancient Cluster "><p class="...

on Jun 25

From bearblog.dev

20240617: ĀæGrietas del sistema?

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on Jun 25

From bearblog.dev

Winter-SpielzĆ¼ge, Powered by the Apocalypse

0 0

Im Sommer ziehen die Ritter:innen des Kƶnigs Artus , aber im Winter drohen Alltagssorgen. <hr/> Wenn auf deinen GĆ¼tern die Ernte eingefahren wird, ...

on Jun 25

From bearblog.dev

New Mastodon Instance

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I changed Mastodon instances - if I did everything right, you shouldn't notice (probably).

on Jun 25

From bearblog.dev

Plain text journaling

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The new/old way of keeping a digital journal

on Jun 25