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From beesbuzz.biz

post-COVID doldrums

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I’m over COVID, and just have a little lingering bronchitis. Also some of the worst brain fog I’ve ever had. I feel like my brain’s been through a blender. Spatial relationships make very little sense, my reaction times are super slow, I am definitely not safe driving right now, and so on.

on Wed, 7PM

From beesbuzz.biz

Went back to the ER

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Last night I started feeling significant pain whenever I inhaled too deeply, telling me there was either pleurisy or another embolism happening. I gave it several hours to try to resolve on its own, and it just got worse and worse, so this morning, I headed to the ER.

on Tue, 1AM

From beesbuzz.biz

I’m so tired of being sick

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I hate how every time I get sick, be it with COVID or anything else, I spend so much time feeling worthless and like I’m in limbo and like everything is passing me by.

on Mon, 2AM

From beesbuzz.biz

Covid III

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so I’ve gotten COVID for a third time, an this time it’s hitting me way harder and for the first time I’m having a Very Strong Positive test result. I thought I was just having really bad allergies (and antihistamines were working) but today when I got home from the choir show I started to feel...

on Jun 26

From beesbuzz.biz

Back on the Patreon train

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Y'all know that I am not a fan of Patreon. But it seems like I have to go back to being active there.

on Jun 26

From beesbuzz.biz

The Other Side

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She woke up, as she always does, hungry.

on Jun 25

From beesbuzz.biz

Current health status

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I seem to have made it through the worst of the COVID. My fever’s mostly gone, and my cough is way less severe (which is good because oh my god does it hurt to cough anymore). I’ve lost five pounds since Friday but also I’m finally getting my appetite back so hopefully I can cushion some of that.

on Jun 25

From beesbuzz.biz

Birthday plans 2024

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Hey y'all! My birthday is tomorrow, June 14! I will be turning 0x2E. Or 0b101110 if that’s your preference.

on Jun 25

From beesbuzz.biz

Furality Umbra: a brief review

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Furality is the largest virtual furry convention, which takes place annually in VRChat. This past year (Umbra) was also the most highly-attended furry convention of any kind ever, with a whopping 21,000 attendees!

on Jun 24

From beesbuzz.biz

Visit Critter Junction

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These are the documentation files for my Critter Junction Resident avatar. While some of the information in here may be of general interest, it is really intended as reference material for those who have purchased the avatar. As such, if you find any of this information helpful, please consider...

on Jun 24

From beesbuzz.biz

Discharged and at home

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I’m back at home. They did a CT scan but there wasn’t anything too concerning, it just seems that I was coughing hard enough that I had a minor bleed in my lungs, exacerbated by the blood thinners I take due to my clotting disorder. The prognosis is to just not take my blood thinners for a few...

on Jun 24

From beesbuzz.biz

covid update

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i’m in the ER because I started coughing up blood this morning. so much for releasing my new avatar today…

on Jun 24

From beesbuzz.biz

Some income would be nice

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It’s really unfortunate how I’m stuck in the hinterland between being too disabled to work but being too abled to get on disability (at least not easily). Dealing with Social Security has been super frustrating and I’m not expecting to get a full hearing or determination any time soon, so in the...

on Jun 24

From beesbuzz.biz

Upcoming engagements

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I have a whole bunch of stuff going on right now and most of it involves things that people can come see me at!

on Jun 4

From beesbuzz.biz

Finally have my car back

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So, I went to the Kia dealership, and it took them an hour to figure out where my car’s keys were. Also they had trouble finding my customer record, because it turned out the service advisor misspelled my name, and they don’t have a good way to search their system. Disorganized clown-shoes operation.

on Jun 1

From beesbuzz.biz

Per-capita EV registrations by state

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A question that keeps on coming up in my conversations is: where exactly is the electric vehicle adoption the highest?

on May 31

From beesbuzz.biz

Finally getting my car back, hopefully

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I finally got in touch with someone at the Kia dealership who said that my car will be ready to pick up tomorrow, after “only” a month being stuck there. Ugh.

on May 30

From beesbuzz.biz

Some Logic Pro 11 updates

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In my last post about Logic I saw a lot of potential in the chord track but found that the UX was pretty lacking. Since then I’ve seen a few Logic-related videos that have found some better ways of interacting with it:

on May 28

From beesbuzz.biz

Stuff and things

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I guess it’s been a week since my last update post so here’s what’s going on with me.

on May 23

From beesbuzz.biz

VRChat avatar viewpoint placement

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One of the most poorly-defined yet critical things in configuring a VR avatar is where exactly to place the viewpoint. It can have a lot of impact on your viewing experience, especially with how the viewpoint ends up relating to the rest of the body. This becomes especially critical in systems...

on May 23

From beesbuzz.biz

Critter v1.7.0 update notes

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Critter v1.7 brings a bunch of new features, some of which will require some changes to your existing avatar setup.

on May 21

From beesbuzz.biz

Customizing the horn pop sound

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So you’ve enjoyed becoming critter, but you want even better customization with your horns: when you’re a different material, you’d like to be able to change the sound that is made by your horns being popped off.

on May 21

From beesbuzz.biz

Please stop using open captions

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There is a really pervasive trend in video these days where people will use (usually auto-generated) open captions (sometimes called “burned captions”), where the text for the narration or the like is baked into the image of the video. This is sometimes accompanied by some attention-grabbing...

on May 19

From beesbuzz.biz

Logic 11: a quick play-around

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The latest version of Logic released today, with some much-vaunted features. It’s also finally gone to version 11, after being stuck on 10.x for over a decade, even though 10.x minor version updates were often larger than the differences between major versions (and those major version updates...

on May 14

From beesbuzz.biz

Well, at least I have a car again

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Okay so. Originally they were going to lend me a Kia Forte, which is a tiny economy car, but that was returned in unsafe condition.

on May 11

From beesbuzz.biz

Aurora Borealis

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Breaking the solar wind

on May 11

From beesbuzz.biz

OMG, another car update? How shocking

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Today, right around when I was about to leave for the Matrix test drive, I got a call from the dealership: the loaner was available, but it wasn’t in a totally safe state due to a huge crack on the windshield. They asked if I still wanted it and I said I’d rather not.

on May 10

From beesbuzz.biz

Hyperfixation: Car comparison

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All dimensions are in Imperial units.

on May 8

From beesbuzz.biz

Another car update

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The Kia service person finally got back to me several hours later, and I have learned:

on May 8

From beesbuzz.biz

More car

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Today I finally got in touch with Kia’s corporate customer service after filing a complaint yesterday, and they said that they also haven’t been able to get in touch with the dealership.

on May 7

From beesbuzz.biz

Car update

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I took my car to the local Kia dealership to get TSB ELE234 taken care of on Tuesday. I still don’t have my car back or any indication of when I’ll be getting it back.

on May 5

From beesbuzz.biz

Trees! Car! Health! Oh my!

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Stuff continues to happen!

on May 1

From beesbuzz.biz


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It’s been a little while again! I think I like these collected updates rather than doing daily micro-dumps, and it’s also nice posting it here instead of on Mastodon or whatever. Timeline-based social media kinda bums me out these days.

on Apr 26

From beesbuzz.biz

YouTube ContentID is still broken and dumb

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I’m still trying to figure out the best way to get my music copyrights properly enforced on YouTube.

on Apr 18

From beesbuzz.biz


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Time for another tedious life and project update-ramble!

on Apr 12

From beesbuzz.biz

Benaroya debut!

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I’m not sure if I remembered to post this here and I apologize for the last-minuteness if this is my first post but!!!!!

on Apr 12

From beesbuzz.biz

Moving away from Bandcamp

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For quite some time I’ve had my music site hosted by Bandcamp, since it was a pretty low-friction way to get my discography up and online, albeit with some annoying limitations. Previously I had the main domain host a “micro-site” for whatever my most recent release was and then used a subdomain...

on Apr 5

From beesbuzz.biz

Possibly a false alarm?

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Last night I took some cough suppressant before I went to bed and remembered to run my humidifier, and when I woke up this morning I was feeling fine. So maybe this was a false alarm as far as COVID re-infection goes. OR maybe my immune system finally knows how to take care of it quickly. Either...

on Apr 5

From beesbuzz.biz

Ugh, sick again

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So, there was a COVID outbreak at my choir. At first it seemed like it was isolated to folks who participated in one extracurricular thing after the last rehearsal, but it turns out that it’s been affecting a lot of folks. We were going to have a talent show and fundraising auction this Friday...

on Apr 4

From beesbuzz.biz

Crowd Cow comparison stuff

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It’s been a while since I’ve compared Crowd Cow to the grocery store in terms of price and quality. Maybe I should update things based on what I’ve been buying lately and how it compares to QFC.

on Mar 30

From beesbuzz.biz

“Instrumental” album release party

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Hey y'all, since I have the album coming out on Monday, I figure Sunday night would be a good time to actually try out Bandcamp’s “listening party” biz. It’s Sunday, March 31 at 5:30 PM PDT (GMT-0700).

on Mar 30

From beesbuzz.biz

DaVinci Resolve: a beginner’s (exceedingly grumpy) review

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I’ve recently joined the video editing team at Trans Academy, and that team has standardized on DaVinci Resolve for all editing. Since I’ve been coming up on the limitations of Final Cut Pro for quite some time I figured I’d finally give it a try, and since I’m working on finishing up an album I...

on Mar 29

From beesbuzz.biz

Fuck everything

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but especially doctors

on Mar 26

From beesbuzz.biz

Goings-on etc.

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Just farting my words into the ether, as usual.

on Mar 24

From beesbuzz.biz

Song Fight! #1000

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Song Fight! has been going for a long-ass time, and we’re hitting a big milestone, our 1000th title​. The due date for “A Grand Parade” is in a few days and I’d love to see a bunch more people submitting songs for it. Help us celebrate this event!

on Mar 23

From beesbuzz.biz

Various updates

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Just some updates about the pertinent things.

on Mar 14

From beesbuzz.biz


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Available for purchase on Bandcamp or itch.io.

on Mar 14

From beesbuzz.biz

Current medical status

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Just a little checkin on what’s going on with me, because there feels like a lot of it.

on Mar 12

From beesbuzz.biz

Acoustic panels

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I’ve been building some simple acoustic panels to improve the acoustics and aesthetics in my recording studio. Mostly the aesthetics, really, but still.

on Mar 10