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From bernsteinbear.com

Into CPS, never to return

0 15

CPS, or continuation-passing style, is an intermediate representation for programs, particularly functional programs. It’s used in compilers for languages such as SML and Scheme.

on Wed, 8PM

From bernsteinbear.com

A multi-emulator Gameboy tracer

0 0

I’ve been developing Gameboy emulators off and on for some years. They’re all broken in one way or another. Part of my debugging process is to run a test ROM like the blargg suite. That gives me some positive signal—if the tests pass, I’ve done something right—but it doesn’t help me narrow down...

on Nov 21

From bernsteinbear.com

You can use C-Reduce for any language

0 0

C-Reduce is a tool by Regehr and friends for minimizing C compiler bug reproducers. Imagine if you had a 10,000 line long C file that triggered a Clang bug. You don’t want to send a massive blob to the compiler developers because that’s unhelpful, but you also don’t want to cut it down to size...

on Nov 15

From bernsteinbear.com

On the universal relation

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I took a databases class last year. In it, we learned about some theory and some practice and one of the most oft-cited papers was “On the Universal Relation” (1980) by Marc H. Graham. It’s apparently a classic. It’s got some foundational work in databases. It’s also nowhere to be found online,...

on Oct 27

From bernsteinbear.com

Damas-Hindley-Milner inference two ways

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What is Damas-Hindley-Milner?

on Oct 17

From bernsteinbear.com

What’s in an e-graph?

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This post follows from several conversations with CF Bolz-Tereick, Philip Zucker, Chris Fallin, and Max Willsey.

on Sep 11

From bernsteinbear.com

microui+fenster=small gui

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Sometimes I just want to put pixels on a screen. I don’t want to think about SDL this or OpenGL that—I just want to draw my pixel buffer and be done.

on Sep 7

From bernsteinbear.com

Precedence-aware pretty printing

0 2

This post follows from a conversation with Chris Gregory about parsing and pretty printing. We might integrate some or all of it into Scrapscript!

on Aug 25

From bernsteinbear.com

Abstract interpretation in the Toy Optimizer

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CF Bolz-Tereick wrote some excellent posts in which they introduce a small IR and optimizer and extend it with allocation removal. We also did a live stream together in which we did some more heap optimizations.

on Jul 24

From bernsteinbear.com

Some tricks from the Scrapscript compiler

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Scrapscript is a small, pure, functional, content-addressable, network-first programming language.

on Jul 10

From bernsteinbear.com

TCC does support attribute(section(…)), actually

0 0

If you are using TCC/TinyCC and you are trying to get it to place code or data in a specific section with __attribute__((section("..."))) and it is not creating the section, or if you are trying to get the start/end of the section with __start_SECTION and __stop_SECTION and you are getting...

on Jun 26

From bernsteinbear.com

Introduction to Software Development Tooling

0 0

Learn the command line, version control, build systems, and correctness in NEU’s CS 4973: ISDT.

on Jun 26

From bernsteinbear.com

A baseline scrapscript compiler

0 0

Scrapscript is a small, pure, functional, content-addressable, network-first programming language. fact 5 . fact = | 0 -> 1 | n -> n * fact (n - 1)

on Jun 2

From bernsteinbear.com

Compilers for free with weval

0 1

With some partial evaluation and specialization hints, it is possible to get pretty decent speedups on interpreters by turning them into compilers.

on May 19

From bernsteinbear.com

Lisp implementations

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Tiger got to hunt, Bird got to fly; Lisper got to sit and wonder, (Y (Y Y))? Tiger got to sleep, Bird got to land; Lisper got to tell himself he understand. -- Kurt Vonnegut, modified by Darius Bacon

on Apr 30

From bernsteinbear.com

How to mess with your roommate

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Before I explain what I did to hurt poor Logan, I must explain our apartment’s media setup. You will see why shortly.

on Mar 17

From bernsteinbear.com

Waking my computer from afar

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I write a small web application on a small device to remotely wake up my desktop computer.

on Mar 16

From bernsteinbear.com

Neat parallel output in Python

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Make parallel tasks print nicely with zero dependencies.

on Mar 1

From bernsteinbear.com

Vectorizing ML models for fun

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Auto-vectorizing ML models using union-find.

on Feb 19

From bernsteinbear.com

Type information for faster Python C extensions

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PyPy is an alternative implementation of the Python language. PyPy’s C API compatibility layer has some performance issues. Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick and I are working on a way to make PyPy’s C API interactions much faster. It’s looking very promising. Here’s a sketch of how it works.

on Feb 1

From bernsteinbear.com

Compiling a Lisp: Overture

0 0

Overture to our small Lisp to x86-64 compiler

on Feb 1

From bernsteinbear.com


0 1

Scrapscript is a small, pure, functional, content-addressable, network-first programming language. It’s designed to allow creating small, simply shareable programs. The language was created by Taylor Troesh and the main implementation was created by me and Chris.

on Jan 24

From bernsteinbear.com

Building a small REPL in Python

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Don’t go it alone. Take this!

on Nov 28, 2023

From bernsteinbear.com

A quick look at destination-driven code generation

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Picture this: you’re sitting there, writing a compiler, when all of a sudden you have to generate assembly. You have some intermediate representation (IR) but now you have to turn virtual registers into machine registers. This is called register allocation.

on Nov 10, 2023

From bernsteinbear.com

Ninja is enough build system

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For small projects, you can DIY Ninja files instead of using CMake or Meson!

on Nov 5, 2023