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From buymeacoffee.com

Ashad Mukadam is creating photos

1 1

Hello.  I'm Ashad Mukadam, and I'm an author and photographer from Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

#photos #photography #buymeacoffee

on Oct 11

From buymeacoffee.com

Dimko Zhluktenko is running Dzyga's Paw charity for Ukraine, writing a book on my 🇺🇦 story

0 1

I am Dimko Zhluktenko, an ordinary Ukrainian. Since 24th Feb, I have given up my fancy IT jobs to make an impact on my country. I never expected anything in return from the world, but many people star

on Tue, 3PM

From buymeacoffee.com

Euromaidan Press is creating independent journalism in Ukraine

0 1

Support Euromaidan Press on buymeacoffee. To become a patron or see other ways to support, please take a look here: https://euromaidanpress.com/donate/

on Mon, 8PM

From buymeacoffee.com

Euromaidan Press is creating independent journalism in Ukraine

0 1

Support Euromaidan Press on buymeacoffee. To become a patron or see other ways to support, please take a look here: https://euromaidanpress.com/donate/

on Mon, 5PM

From buymeacoffee.com

Dr. HermanSJr. is creating Agents-of-Change who can think as history's greatest thinkers

0 1

linktr.ee/DrHermanSJr, DrHermanSJr.carrd.co, DrHermanSJr.com, PlatinumSciences.com(services worldwide, online/in-person, in any language)Helping people maximize their human-capital by learning to use

on Mon, 2PM

From buymeacoffee.com

Eject — Keith Mills

0 1

Post by Keith Mills

on Mon, 9AM

From buymeacoffee.com


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Ми познайомились на Майдані, коли ви шукали правди і знайшли hromadske. Відтоді ми — навіть якщо не бачимось щодня — завжди можемо розраховувати одне на одного. Особливо в моменти, коли стається щось

on Sun, 5PM

From buymeacoffee.com

Update #3 — Chris Garbutt

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Post by Chris Garbutt

on Sun, 4PM

From buymeacoffee.com

Luna Station Quarterly is publishing short stories

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STELLAR SHORT FICTION BY WOMEN-IDENTIFIED WRITERS SINCE 2010The on-going mission of Luna Station Quarterly is to display the vast and varied talents of women-identified speculative fiction writers.We

on Fri, 5PM

From buymeacoffee.com

Membership | Formula Data Analysis

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Hi! Thank you for wanting to support my projectI've always been fascinated with data - and cars!For three years, I supervised the design, production and racing of a Formula Car 🏎️, and then I sta

on Fri, 5PM

From buymeacoffee.com

Senne Driesen is creating film, animation and illustration

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I'm a video artist specializing in animation, with experience at studios like Walking The Dog and Bando à Parte. I've taught VFX and specialize in After Effects. My diverse background includes working

on Fri, 4PM

From buymeacoffee.com

Scott Norris Photography is Fine Art Photography

0 1

Emotion. Mood. Feelings. This is what I capture through my photographs. Whether it is landscapes, architectural elements, still life, or macros - it is a very personal journey as my own fears, triumph

on Fri, 1PM

From buymeacoffee.com

Asian Table is Asian Table always show street food all process from start to finish.

0 0

Asian Table always show street food all process from start to finish. Thank you for watching and cheering

on Jun 27

From buymeacoffee.com

Blazing Minds is creating entertainment news, event coverage and gig/event photography

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Hi everyone, my name is Karen Woodham and I set up the award-winning Blazing Minds website back in September 2008 for entertainment news and event coverage, over the years I've had the chance to work

on Jun 26

From buymeacoffee.com

Spanish GP - Analyses Repository — Formula Data Analysis

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Post by Formula Data Analysis

on Jun 26

From buymeacoffee.com

maique madeira is a photographer. And a daddy.

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Travel and Set PhotographyHi, there. My name is maique and I’m a freelance photographer. I work mostly on travel and set photography, but do all sorts of photography for a living.For a long time I wor

on Jun 26

From buymeacoffee.com

Petar Tushkov is Writerer of Fiction. Translatoror of Wonderments.

0 1

I TRY TO WRITE at least one short piece in Bulgarian each month, preferably a science fiction, crime, and occasionally a wacky one, but the bulk of my time is allocated on overthinking and writing fut

on Jun 26

From buymeacoffee.com

Project ‘H’ (0004) — Petar Tushkov

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Post by Petar Tushkov

on Jun 26

From buymeacoffee.com

BicycleBen is Advocating for better active travel infrastructure. Occasional blogger

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I'm a run-of-the-mill cycle rider in Warwickshire that wants to see Dutch-standard cycle and active travel infrastructure locally, and across the UK. To that end, I spread the message on social media,

on Jun 26

From buymeacoffee.com

Extras | Octavio Gonzalez-Lugo

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Open source research and bioinformatics.

on Jun 26

From buymeacoffee.com

Euromaidan Press is creating independent journalism in Ukraine

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Support Euromaidan Press on buymeacoffee. To become a patron or see other ways to support, please take a look here: https://euromaidanpress.com/donate/

on Jun 25

From buymeacoffee.com

Update #1 — Chris Garbutt

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Post by Chris Garbutt

on Jun 25

From buymeacoffee.com

Social Media Schnack

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Der Social Media Schnack Podcast verbindet digitale Kommunikation und Social Media und wird zweimal pro Woche (montags und donnerstags) mit verschiedenen Gästen veröffentlicht. Mit dem „Social Media S

on Jun 25

From buymeacoffee.com

Wishlist | Defacto Humanity - Planet Of People

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Planet of People is a full time team of 3 working hard to provide aid to both civilians and our defenders in Ukraine.I cannot say thank you enough for all of your amazing support for Ukrainians and th

on Jun 25

From buymeacoffee.com

Page Name Change! — Christina DeHaan

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Post by Christina DeHaan

on Jun 25

From buymeacoffee.com

Drobotun Vitalii is Ukrainian volunteer

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I’m from Ukraine, Kyiv! 🇺🇦Volunteer🇺🇦 I raise money for our Ukrainian army! Every dollar will be spent on our defenders!

on Jun 25

From buymeacoffee.com

Update #2 — Chris Garbutt

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Post by Chris Garbutt

on Jun 25

From buymeacoffee.com

SebInTheStars is building a community for space scientists on mastodon.

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I run the Astrodon.social mastodon instance. If you enjoy being part of the community and want to contribute back, you can buy me a coffee!

on Jun 25

From buymeacoffee.com

DeepStateUA is інтерактивна мапа бойових дій

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Інтерактивна онлайн мапа бойових дій в Україні.

on Jun 25

From buymeacoffee.com

Ken Reid

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I'm a stand up comedian and podcaster. I've been doing my TV Guidance Counselor podcast since February 2014.

on Jun 24

From buymeacoffee.com

Lim Chee Aun is building useful apps everyday.

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I spend a lot of time creating and maintaining my side projects. Most of them are related to public transport with heavy usage of maps. Some of them costs a lot and I have to pay them from my own pock

on Jun 24

From buymeacoffee.com

Sabre Training Advisory Group is Professional Training

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Sabre is a professional military training non-profit. Our aim is to give Ukrainian defenders the skills to come home alive. We are building the capacity for Ukraine to defend itself against russian ag

on Jun 24

From buymeacoffee.com

Project ‘H’ (0003) — Petar Tushkov

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Post by Petar Tushkov

on Jun 24

From buymeacoffee.com

Teddy Wilson is Investigative Journalism

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Independent journalist and researcher, focused on far right extremist movements.

on Jun 24

From buymeacoffee.com

Peter Howard is creating videos on diy car repairs

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Hello, I'm Peter Howard, and I create YouTube videos on fixing cars. If you enjoy my videos and want to support me, you can now buy me a coffee. I appreciate your support.

on Jun 24