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From cabinradio.ca

Before and after: the NWT’s incredibly low water

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Cameras fixed in place alongside NWT rivers for years offer a snapshot of the extraordinary drop in water level since 2022. Take a look.

#nwt #water #ecosystems #waterislife #borealforest #climatebreakdown

16h ago

From cabinradio.ca

Fort Good Hope evacuation order being lifted, chief says

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Fort Good Hope residents can soon begin coming home after a wildfire-related evacuation lasting nearly three weeks, the community's chief said.

on Fri, 9PM

From cabinradio.ca

Mackenzie River is so low, the Coast Guard can’t reach most of it

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The Canadian Coast Guard says the Mackenzie River is so low that its vessels will be sent elsewhere – and anyone on the river should "use extreme caution."

on Thu, 10PM

From cabinradio.ca

Tsiigehtchic completes switch to hamlet status

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"We finally made it." The formal paperwork that declares Tsiigehtchic a hamlet went out last week. The next step is electing a municipal mayor and council.

on Thu, 1PM

From cabinradio.ca

What’s with all the fluffy Yellowknife trees right now?

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White, cotton-like fluff floating in the wind around Yellowknife seems to be everywhere lately. Here's what that is and why it's doing that.

on Thu, 1PM

From cabinradio.ca

Health services scaled back over Yellowknife TB outbreak

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A tuberculosis concern that appears to have developed days ago in Yellowknife was only publicized for the first time in a Wednesday radio interview.

on Wed, 9PM

From cabinradio.ca

Cooler weather coming after weekend spike in heat

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Much of the Northwest Territories will feel slightly cooler this week after highs pushed above 30C in some areas over the past seven days.

on Tue, 3PM

From cabinradio.ca

Lightning and hot, windy weekend mean more than a dozen new fires

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More than a dozen new wildfires are burning across the Northwest Territories after a warm weekend that also featured lightning and strong wind in places.

on Tue, 1PM

From cabinradio.ca

In pictures: Explore the Sǫǫ̀mba K’è Multicultural Festival

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Meet some of the people who created the food, dance, music and energy behind the Sǫǫ̀mba K’è Multicultural Festival held in Yellowknife on Sunday.

on Tue, 1AM

From cabinradio.ca

In pictures: Yellowknife’s 2024 Canada Day parade

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A banana and a bear, pirates and Pikachu, dancers and dogs – Yellowknife's Canada Day parade had all of them and more. Check out the photos.

on Mon, 9PM

From cabinradio.ca

Hindi-language movie at Capitol Theatre will be ‘Yellowknife’s first’

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"We had to convince them there's an Indian community in Yellowknife." Some residents are bringing the Hindi version of sci-fi epic Kalki 2898 AD to the city.

on Mon, 3PM

From cabinradio.ca

Resurgent wildfire closes Liard Highway near Checkpoint

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A wildfire previously brought under control has flared up and closed Highway 7 south of Checkpoint in the Dehcho, NWT Fire said on Sunday.

on Mon, 1AM

From cabinradio.ca

‘One step forward, two steps back’ in Fort Good Hope

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Fort Good Hope's chief says he understands residents' frustration as its evacuation moves into a third week. "We are not giving up," Chief Collin Pierrot said.

on Sun, 3PM

From cabinradio.ca

Cabin Radio establishes Canadian Race Relations Foundation fellowship

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Cabin Radio is one of 10 organizations establishing a media fellowship with funding made available by the Canadian Race Relations Foundation.

on Sun, 3PM

From cabinradio.ca

Yellowknifer wins BluMetric emerging leader award

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Rebecca Grooms, who is Dënesųłinë́ and Néhiyaw, describes how she found a job where she can thrive, "doing my part in the reclamation process."

on Jun 29

From cabinradio.ca

Missing some Indigenous artwork? NWT RCMP want you to get in touch

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In a brief, cryptic news release, Yellowknife RCMP said they had recovered "unique pieces of traditional Indigenous art" – and need to find the owner or owners.

on Jun 28

From cabinradio.ca

‘Loose cub at the landfill,’ Town of Inuvik warns

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The Town of Inuvik warned on Friday afternoon of an "unaccompanied bear cub" wandering an area of the municipal dump.

on Jun 28

From cabinradio.ca

Using traditional knowledge and skills to survive Alone

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Meet Michela Carriere, a Cree and Métis woman from northern Saskatchewan, who is one of three Canadians on this season of Alone, filmed outside Inuvik.

on Jun 28

From cabinradio.ca

What is the NWT doing to address low water levels?

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Record low water levels are massively disrupting NWT communities' summer resupply season. What changes and future options is the GNWT looking at?

on Jun 28

From cabinradio.ca

Bike-share program to begin this month in Yellowknife

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A new program in Yellowknife will help make cycling more accessible by offering free bike rentals for two-week periods.

on Jun 28

From cabinradio.ca

Fort Smith’s Jane Dragon becomes Member of the Order of Canada

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Fort Smith Elder Jane Dragon was hailed as a "pillar in her community" as the governor general's office announced her appointment to the Order of Canada.

on Jun 28

From cabinradio.ca

Inuvik hospital breached employee’s rights, adjudicator finds

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An NWT human rights adjudicator found Inuvik's hospital breached a worker's right to medical confidentiality and discriminated against him based on disability.

on Jun 28

From cabinradio.ca

Fire ‘jumps containment line’ outside Fort Good Hope

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NWT Fire says a wildfire burning on the edge of Fort Good Hope for the past 10 days broke through firefighters' efforts to contain it on Wednesday afternoon.

on Jun 27

From cabinradio.ca

Fort Providence RCMP charge two suspects after robbery report

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RCMP say they have arrested and charged two men after receiving a report of a violent robbery of an elderly person.

on Jun 27

From cabinradio.ca

Businesses led by women rejuvenate a formerly dusty Yellowknife mall

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For years, Yellowknife's Center Ice Plaza was a shopping afterthought. Now, women leading a range of small businesses are breathing new life into it.

on Jun 26

From cabinradio.ca

Tony the scorpion finds new purpose at Royal Alberta Museum

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Tony the scorpion, found in a Yellowknife bathroom, is now destined for a life of luxury in Alberta, teaching children about the international wildlife trade.

on Jun 26

From cabinradio.ca

In pictures: Tulita’s 2024 graduating class

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Tulita celebrated its largest graduating class in years with a ceremony that passes knowledge, in the form of light, from Elders to grads and younger students.

on Jun 26

From cabinradio.ca

Watch: Gathering to celebrate Indigenous peoples – and the Oilers

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At the sacred Wıìlıìdeh Site, the Yellowknives Dene First Nation honoured National Indigenous Peoples Day – and helped people watch the big Oilers game, too.

on Jun 26

From cabinradio.ca

Yellowknife celebrates National Indigenous Peoples Day

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Meet some of the thousands of people who came to the North Slave Métis Alliance annual fish fry that celebrated National Indigenous Peoples Day in Yellowknife.

on Jun 26

From cabinradio.ca

Yukon reinforcements arrive to fight Fort Good Hope fire

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Twenty firefighters from the Yukon arrive in Fort Good Hope on Friday to replace existing crews. The community's evacuation order has been extended.

on Jun 26

From cabinradio.ca

Almost every North Slave wildfire this summer? Caused by people.

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Humans have caused eight of the summer's nine wildfires in the region around Yellowknife. NWT Fire called that "shocking" and urged more care this long weekend.

on Jun 26

From cabinradio.ca

Watch: ‘Gold boom town’ Yellowknife in 1948

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It's 1948 and the gold boom has hit Yellowknife, which has grown from hundreds of people to thousands. Here's a National Film Board documentary shot that year.

on Jun 26

From cabinradio.ca

Yellowknife under full fire ban from Thursday afternoon

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The City of Yellowknife says a full fire ban will come into effect across the city from noon on Thursday, June 20 due to "extremely dry conditions."

on Jun 26

From cabinradio.ca

Northwest Territories switches to trilingual high school diplomas

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NWT high school graduates will now receive a diploma featuring three languages: English, French and one of the territory's nine official Indigenous languages.

on Jun 26

From cabinradio.ca

Menu involves ‘a northern experiment’ at this summer’s Wildcat Café

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Bison meatloaf, fried Klik sandwiches and wild plants are on offer at Yellowknife's Wildcat Café this summer. Chef Niki Mckenzie walked us through the menu.

on Jun 26

From cabinradio.ca

NWT Fire warns of ‘serious heatwave’ ahead for territory

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Forecast temperatures of 30C or more across much of the NWT mean "any spark in the forest could become a serious wildfire," NWT Fire warned.

on Jun 25

From cabinradio.ca

Some essential services workers returning to Fort Good Hope

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Some essential service workers – including paramedics, water and sewer staff, and grocery store staff – are returning to Fort Good Hope.

on Jun 25

From cabinradio.ca

NorthWords seeks 2024 book award nominations

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Are you an NWT author? Did you write an award-worthy book in 2023? NorthWords has opened submissions for its annual book awards.

on Jun 25

From cabinradio.ca

Yellowknife’s new bike-share program begins

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A program that gives Yellowknife residents a bike for a two-week trial – with the long-term goal of cementing a love of cycling – signed up its first clients.

on Jun 25

From cabinradio.ca

The Masked Singer: Yellowknife teacher edition

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See any dinosaurs or giraffes you recognize? Teachers and support staff ended Yellowknife's school year with their own version of The Masked Singer.

on Jun 25

From cabinradio.ca

Annie Piché becomes NWT Supreme Court judge

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A Yellowknife lawyer who led a team of prosecutors focused on cases involving sexualized violence is the newest NWT Supreme Court judge.

on Jun 25

From cabinradio.ca

The NWT influence in National Geographic’s all-Indigenous issue

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Photojournalist Pat Kane and artist Casey Koyczan represent the NWT in National Geographic's first all-Indigenous issue. Explore their contributions.

on Jun 25

From cabinradio.ca

NWT politicians call for mental health crisis intervention team

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Extending an unusual run of motions seeking GNWT action, regular MLAs unanimously called for mental health intervention teams to work alongside RCMP.

on Jun 25

From cabinradio.ca

NDP effort to reform Nutrition North program fails

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A federal New Democratic motion that pushed for reforms to the Nutrition North program failed to pass in the House of Commons.

on Jun 24

From cabinradio.ca

Taste of Palestine dinner and auction raises $11K for Gaza families

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"People really got into it." A Yellowknife event raised thousands for Gaza families, to the point where people even took off jewellery to auction on the night.

on Jun 24

From cabinradio.ca

Indigenous businesses plan to take ownership of Northwestel

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In a seismic move for northern telecoms, an Indigenous-led consortium said it plans to buy dominant phone and web provider Northwestel from Bell for $1 billion.

on Jun 24

From cabinradio.ca

The extraordinary scale of the NWT’s shift from hydro to diesel

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Yes, you read that right. NWT diesel use is ballooning as hydro dries up. In the short term, unusual factors are at work. In the long term, is this a crisis?

on Jun 24

From cabinradio.ca

Cancelled barges costing Sahtu businesses millions, MLA says

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Danny McNeely says Sahtu businesses face nearly $15 million in lost revenue and extra costs through barges cancelled by low water. He wants the GNWT to step in.

on Jun 24

From cabinradio.ca

Council wants more time to decide fate of Old Town business

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A decades-old Yellowknife outdoor adventure firm is tangling with City Hall over the rules that govern what you can do with property on a quiet lakeside road.

on Jun 24

From cabinradio.ca

Wildfire arsenic release study is an ‘alarm bell,’ says author

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When wildfires burn near Yellowknife, what does that do to arsenic? One author of a new study says more research is needed, but initial estimates surprised him.

on Jun 24