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From cameralux.org

Framing the photograph

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The rectangle that encloses your image is an inescapable part of the photograph. But it’s not a constraint — it’s a powerful component of…

on Thu, 1PM

From cameralux.org


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The art of photography — digital and analogue.

on Dec 10

From cameralux.org

Seeing in black & white: the monochrome photographer

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To get the maximum effect from monochrome photography, you need to understand it as something more than just a palette choice.

on Dec 9

From cameralux.org

Responding to history through photography

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Sometimes we want to go beyond simply documenting historical artefacts, and that might involve separating them from their literal truth.

on Dec 4

From cameralux.org

Pushing the bounds of photographic composition

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Photography has many rules when it comes to composition — all of which are worth breaking. Or perhaps ignoring.

on Nov 27

From cameralux.org

Analogue tales: the Observer darkroom

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The Observer newspaper, like many leading publications, prides itself on its excellent photography. Which is why, once upon a time, the…

on Nov 20

From cameralux.org

Photographic art in the Instagram age

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When everyone is taking and sharing pictures of the world around them, what sets the photographic artist apart — if anything?

on Nov 15