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From carlsetzer.com

Forward Motion - Carl Setzer

1 1

I haven’t written about this much, but my current career development focus is on Data Analysis. To start with, I like working in Excel. I’ve found spreadsheets fascinating since the days of Lotus 123. In addition, as many of you know, I spent the Pandemic working on a degree in Web Application...

8h ago

From carlsetzer.com

Data Saturation and Sanity - Carl Setzer

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I, like so many others, have hit the wall: data overload. There’s SO much out there, interesting and readily available. Free, or so for all practical intent; very few barriers. Not too long ago, price helped keep this in check. Our resources to spend on magazines, newspapers and the like...

on Fri, 8PM

From carlsetzer.com

Ooohhh...this scam almost got me - Carl Setzer

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Another scam email, this one's pretty sneaky!

on Fri, 6PM

From carlsetzer.com

Ah, Yes...Another Scam - Carl Setzer

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I posted this article to Facebook last week. My son let me know he received one that day. And I won this lottery today! This one is text based. Watch for these E-Z Pass texts that state you have an unpaid toll. Well, it’s fraudulent. As always, DO NOT CLICK THE LINK! Report it as… Continue...

on Tue, 4AM

From carlsetzer.com

A morning meditation for you, my friends - Carl Setzer

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I have plenty of moments when I don’t trust my gut. When my heart screams out, but I don’t believe that it can be right. I’m working on that, though. I deeply value the arts, and have encouraged many to pursue that path. Even when it’s likely they’ll not attain wealth and privilege. So, this…...

on Mar 4

From carlsetzer.com

Early morning thoughts - Carl Setzer

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I’m wondering at what my path forward looks like. I love technology, in all it’s variety, and blended in insanity. Yet I adore people, too. Helping guide folks, especially in terms of projects. Helping organize people into effective teams, to see the value each of us offer, and to feel the...

on Feb 27

From carlsetzer.com

An uptick in Facebook & Instagram Spam Messages - Carl Setzer

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Last June I wrote about a scam running through my Facebook accounts. Well, I’ve now seen this a few times over the months. However, starting overnight last night, several of the pages I managed have been inundated with the message. I think I’m up to 7 or 8 on one page alone. Here’s a screenshot…...

on Feb 26

From carlsetzer.com

Tonight's Haiku: February 23, 2025 - Carl Setzer

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this late winter morn a sign of impending spring waking to birdsong

on Feb 24

From carlsetzer.com

Tonight's Haiku: February 22, 2025 - Carl Setzer

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within the darkness listening to the rainfall the night's progression

on Feb 23

From carlsetzer.com

Some thoughts on community - Carl Setzer

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I’ve been thinking a lot about the importance of community lately during this time where we celebrate avarice and cruelty. Years ago, I discovered Steven Covey’s “7 Habits”, and one of his cornerstone principles is “interdependence”. This idea that we need each other, that our ideal state is...

on Feb 18

From carlsetzer.com

Return To Office and Other Joys - Carl Setzer

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Alberta’s comments on the whole Return To Office debate sum up my thoughts pretty darn well. Yeah, this video is a bit dated, but I think the thought (snarky as it is) is valid.

on Feb 15

From carlsetzer.com

All Hail The Sysadmins! - Carl Setzer

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I’ve long loved the webcomic xkcd. This one drifted through my inbox and thought it worthy of all the sysadmins I know. As far as my own sysadmin skills, I do hate running cables and (shudder) crimping connectors. As I only have one thumb, these evolutions are rather uncomfortable, and sometimes...

on Feb 12

From carlsetzer.com

An evening haiku - Carl Setzer

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the newest of nights moon rises above the trees fresh ink upon my page This came to me as I was winding down for bed last night. I hope each of you has a wonderful week.

on Sep 23

From carlsetzer.com

Some video work today - Carl Setzer

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I spent some time this morning trimming this video out of Trinity’s service last Sunday. A local choir, the Evergreen Ensemble, performed with us; their music was stunning. As I was watching (I was running media that service), I thought “I want to pull this out and post it on our socials”. So, I...

on Sep 14

From carlsetzer.com

The First Airfield at Sand Point in Seattle - Carl Setzer

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When I was a boy, we re-settled in Seattle as my dad was transitioning out of the Navy. Proximity to the commissary, Navy Exchange, and other amenities of the Sandpoint Naval Station were key elements to our choices of housing. This facility has long been a key part of my life. Valarie, at...

on Sep 3

From carlsetzer.com

20 Years With LinkedIn - Carl Setzer

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I was just notified I've been on LinkedIn for 20 years. I have some thoughts.

on Jul 31

From carlsetzer.com

Today's Podcast - Carl Setzer

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Today's Geekwire podcast gave me a lot to think about, especially in regards to AI and current trends.

on Jun 24

From carlsetzer.com

Elements of style - Carl Setzer

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A random photo sends me down a rabbit-hold of my past and styles I like.

on May 20

From carlsetzer.com

More Web Dev Projects - Carl Setzer

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I'm continuing my efforts to grow and develop in Tech

on Apr 10

From carlsetzer.com

A Seattle Native Born In Rhode Island? - Carl Setzer

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An explanation about what I mean by "being a Seattleite born in Rhode Island".

on Mar 25

From carlsetzer.com

Exploring Music - Carl Setzer

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Some reflections on music, Seattle's music scene, and the modern music scene

on Feb 23, 2024